Thursday 14 November 2013

[dcphp-dev] Smithsonian Hackathon this weekend! Nov 16-17

Dear PHP afficionados,

Join us for a weekend of civic hacking to showcase our nation's treasures at the Smithsonian! 

The Smithsonian American Art Museum invites web and software developers, designers, and other big thinkers (individuals or teams) to create concept prototypes for part or all of a new digital interpretive solution for the museum's Luce Foundation Center. The Luce Foundation Center for American Art is a visible art storage and study center that provides new ways to experience American art. Visitors can select an area to explore at a glance with more than 3,000 works from the permanent collection in 64 secure glass cases. 

The current interpretive system includes ten computer kiosks that provide the public with information about every object on display and include discussions of each artwork, artist biographies, audio interviews, still images and nearly 70 videos created exclusively for the center. The content is available on the Luce Center's website, too. The interface was developed between 2004 and 2006 and uses a proprietary content management system that does not have much flexibility. The museum seeks a new, flexible solution that will allow digital access to our collections data, interpretation, and multimedia content as well as improved integration with social media. Participating developers will be given access to the API for the museum's enterprise digital asset network (EDAN). 

The two-day hackathon will include a behind-the-scenes tour of the Luce Foundation Center, a demo of the existing kiosks, and an overview of the requirements for the new solution. Food and caffeinated beverages will be provided. The event will culminate on Sunday afternoon with presentations and prizes. 

To sign up and for more information check out:

Feel free to email me at if you have any questions! 

-- Diego

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