Tuesday 3 December 2013

[dcphp-dev] Re: Type safety in PHP

I have forgotten one major difference from the user's perspective.
If you decide to go with HHVM and start using the additional strong typing then you won't be able to go back to PHP (at least at the moment, shouldn't be too hard to generate PHP code instead of Bytecode though - but this feature does not exist yet).
In contrast, code in TSPHP is always translated to PHP. Thus you can always go back to PHP if you don't like TSPHP any more and you are also able to reuse your TSPHP components in a purely PHP project. IMO that's a nice feature.
As far as I see most bigger frameworks write PHP in a type-safe manner anyway thus I could imagine that (some) frameworks are written in TSPHP in the future and "normal" users are still using it in PHP.

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