Tuesday 11 December 2012

[dcphp-dev] Please Help me to complete my PDO Crud Class

I am a beginner to intermediate php programmer using mysql_connect and
mysql_* functions for curd operations.

As world have changed and I also need to change to adapt the new way,
I am trying to implement CRUD using PDO the very first time.

I have created following class:

class PdoCrud {
var $db;
var $db_driver = 'mysql'; // mysql or other database driver
var $db_host = 'localhost';
var $db_name = 'website';
var $db_uname = 'root';
var $db_upass = '';

var $db_dns = $db_driver . ':host='. $db_host.';dbname='.$db_name;

function connectDB() {
$this->db = new PDO($db_dns, $db_uname, $db_pass);
function disconnectDB() {
$this->db = null;

// returns false and logError() in case of error, else returns id of
inserted record
function insertRecord() { }

// returns false and logError() in case of error, else returns true
function insertRecords() { }

// returns false and logError() in case of error, else returns # of
rows updated.
function updateRecord() { }

// returns false and logError() in case of error, else returns no. of
records found
function findRecord() { }

// returns false and logError() in case of error, if delete one or
multiple records based on criteria
function deleteRecord() { }

function logError($errorinfo) { /* here my code to log error */ }

I request you to please help me complete these following functions
insertRecord(), insertRecords(), updateRecord(), findRecord() and

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