Friday 31 May 2024

[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] last call for tomorrow's Circling daylong (interpersonal, embodied, delightfully messy meditation)

Hi friends, 

I'm so delighted that several Downtown Dharma friends are joining for tomorrow's daylong Circling workshop in Silver Spring with me, Daniel Thorson, and Mitra Peter Park.

If you feel the last-minute call to join, please drop me a line. There are a few spots left, and I'm happy to slide the fee to a "friends rate" that works for you.

What is Circling? Somewhere between Insight Dialogue, the Amazon rainforest, and a dance party. It's a bit more tantra, a bit less sutra. So if you're feeling curious and adventurous, we'd love to have you. 

With love,
Dechen // Ellen 

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 5:37:10 PM UTC-4 wrote:
Dear friends, 

Thank you so very much to all those who joined Daniel, Cheryl and I at Downtown Dharma on Sunday. We were deeply touched by the experience!

Resource links: 
--For those curious to learn more about the Soulmaking Dharma of Rob Burbea, this is a nice place to begin. 
--To receive updates about our art project, you can join the mailing list of the Church of the Intimate Web. 
--You can use these links to follow the work of Cheryl, Daniel, or myself.

Upcoming Circling workshop: If you're interested in getting some formal practice in relational courage, I am offering a daylong Circling immersion in Takoma Park (right by the Metro) on Saturday, June 1 from 9:30-5:30. The workshop will be co-led with my good friend, the amazing Circler, Mitra Peter Park, and also with Daniel. Please register soon if you'd like to come, and tell your friends! 

Future Vessel: Please feel free to join for updates + invitations to future discussions, practice groups, and gatherings.

Thank you again for having us. 

With much love + gratitude,
Dechen // Ellen 

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