Monday 16 November 2015

[dcphp-dev] Resources for learning PHP

Hi all! I attend the meetups but I'm still very much learning basic PHP and I'm having trouble figuring out what are good/reliable resources for learning how to do things the right way.

I'm looking at as needed to look up standard functions and general language syntax, structures, etc. I'm building some personal, simple web apps to learn things like connecting to databases and classes. Right now, I'm not using any frameworks as I feel like learning how to do things "the hard way" and then playing with a framework is a better path (do you agree/disagree? why?)

I've tried looking for a mentor on the PHP Mentoring site, but have not found one thus far. Do any of you seasoned PHP developers have some good resources that you can point me to? Do you have any good project ideas/exercises that you would suggest for learning? I found this site: but I don't know if it's reliable or not; does anyone know if it is?

I am a full-time .NET developer, so I am learning PHP on the side in my spare time. If anyone is willing to be a mentor, please let me know.


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