Friday 13 September 2024

[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] Downtown Dharma: Insight Dialogue Practice This Sunday

Dear Friends,

Vince Lampone and I will be co-facilitating an Insight Dialogue session this Sunday, and we hope you can join us.  We are going to be exploring how giving and receiving generosity from one another helps to reduce our suffering and reminds us that we are all interconnected.  

No prior Insight Dialogue experience is necessary, just your presence and your openness to listening closely and speaking with intention with a practice partner.  In case this is your first time encountering Insight Dialogue practice, please expect some participatory conversation as we play with the six ID guidelines of: pause; relax; open; attune to emergence; listen deeply; and speak deeply.

We'll start with a short silent guided meditation, after which we'll break into dyads or triads for relational practice.

We hope to see you there—online or in person!

• In-person: Sunday, September 15th, 7-8:30pm @ Yoga District — 1910 14th Street NW, 3rd Floor, Washington, DC (please arrive 5-10 minutes early)

• Online via Zoom:


Maura Flanagan


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