Saturday, 2 November 2024

[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] Tomorrow Night: Steady through the Storm

Greetings Dear Sangha,

As the US election draws near, many of us are feeling tremendous uncertainty. In the midst of such tumultuous times, our deep concern for ourselves, our families, society, and the living Earth community can easily turn into overwhelm. 

Trees have an outsized role in Buddhist traditions throughout history. For this moment, if we understood the language of trees, what would they teach us about weathering storms? Even if we don't speak fluent tree, when we pause, listen, resonate, what wisdom are they conveying nonetheless and all of the time? The wisdom and practices not just from Buddhist traditions but our everywhere kin can support and guide us through exactly these challenges. And, if we heed their call to steady our hearts with kind attention, so much more is on offer. What possibilities exist not only to meet our own suffering but show up for a suffering world?

I hope you can join us Sunday evening from 7 to 8:30pm for the development of our practice, wisdom, and community.
With love and gratitude,

kristin barker
Pronouns she, her and hers; on occupied land of the Piscataway.

No mud, no lotus. 

  — Thích Nhất Hạnh

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