Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Re: [Downtown Dharma Listserve] Next Buddha Brunch?

Might not be able to make a noon meeting, but six should work
Thanks to all for organizing this
On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 9:27 AM, Amy Dona <amydona@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all-
In lieu of class on Sunday next weekend, would anyone else be
interested in meeting either for a last minute buddha brunch (12'ish
on Sunday) or at the regular sangha meeting time (6 on Sunday)?  I
would propose meeting in malcolm x/meridian hill park if the weather
is nice, or my apartment (north adams morgan) if it rains on Sunday.
Let me know if you are interested, and we can plan from there.

Best, Amy

On 5/21/12, Danya Greenfield <danya.greenfield@gmail.com> wrote:
> Any volunteers to host the next Buddha Brunch?  We've had a good
> string of them in a row for the past 4 or 5 months -- discussing
> aspects of the Eightfold Path, including wise speech and wise
> intention -- and it would be great to continue on the tradition.  It
> doesn't require much to host - all you have to do select and share a
> reading that interests you (approximately 3-8 pages) and have enough
> space for 6-10 people (cozy is fine). We've been meeting on Saturdays
> at noon, which seems to works for most people, but timing and date is
> up to you.  If no one else volunteers, I'm happy to host, but thought
> I'd make the pitch first.
> cheers,
> Danya

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