Friday, 18 May 2012

Fw: [Downtown Dharma Listserve] Day long meditation at my newly-acquired home


Just a reminder, tomorrow, Saturday 5/19, I'm having a meditation to bless my newly purchased home.  I'll be there from 10-4, but it's a drop-in event for everyone, so come and go as you please.  We will be doing 40-45 minute sits, followed by moving/walking meditation. Please try to plan your arrival time to be from forty minutes past the hour to the top of the hour in order to avoid interrupting the sitting portion.  Also, feel free to bring any recordings of guided meditations (I have speakers for iphones and ipods), or meditation ideas in general.

The address is 734 Kennedy St NE, DC, and it's red/green/yellow line accessible by the Fort Totten Metro station.  It's also pretty bikable, and Gallatin street is the street that cuts from Northwest across North Capitol, and then you can take the path under the Metro tracks at Fort Totten and head to my house that way.

As for lunch, we'll do that at 1:00.  It will be potluck, but don't worry about bringing anything, because I'm going to make a few vegetarian dishes.  I will also have my juicer and a bunch of produce at the ready if you want some delicious and nutritious juice concoctions.  Feel free to bring some raw produce, and the juicer will take care of the rest!

If you have any questions, my number is 202-744-6409.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Amy Dona <>
To: Steve Dowdell <>
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Downtown Dharma Listserve] Day long meditation at my newly-acquired home

Hi Steve,  I think this is a lovely idea.  I would love to come by a for a couple of hours to sit and share food.  When are you thinking of doing lunch, as that might be a good time to target in the middle of the day?
Best,  Amy
On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Steve Dowdell <> wrote:
Hello sanga,
To celebrate my acquisition of my very own house, I'm going to hold a day-long meditation this Saturday May 19. (I close on Friday). The address is 734 Kennedy Street, NE in DC. It's about 5 blocks from the Fort Totten Metro station, and is red/green/yellow line accessible.

The idea for this is that before I put all my stuff my new home, I thought that a great opportunity exists to first welcome myself (and others) into the house and get to know it. I don't know what the exact start/end times will be, but I'm thinking about 10 am - 4pm. As for the format, I think we'll do 40-45 minute sits and then some walking meditation to finish off the hour. Repeat. Have lunch. Repeat some more. We can nosh during the periods of moving meditation too!

There is no need for anyone to arrive promptly at the start. People can just come and go during the part of the hour when we're doing moving meditation (the bottom of the hour (from :40-:60), so this day can remain flexible to everyone's schedules. People can show up for as long as they want.

It will be potluck, but no pressure because I'll probably cook plenty of food. Let me know if you're interested, and I'll fill in the details as they come in.


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