Dear All Souls sangha members,
The All Souls building is closed on Sunday, but several of us plan to meet at Meridian Hill/Malcolm X park. We will meet at the NE corner of 16th and Florida at 6:00 pm, and then we will find a spot in the park.
Our plan is to do a short sit together, listen to a short dharma talk via podcast (with speakers), and then converse about whatever is alive in our practice at the moment . . . plus enjoy a potluck picnic. And if you want to hang around afterward, Danya is planning to bring her badminton set! Other games also welcome
I hope you can join us! If you can come, please bring a potluck dish to share, something to drink, plasticwear/plates, cups, etc. There will be a few blankets to share, but additional blankets would be welcome (or chair if that is your preference).
It looks like the weather will be hot, with a small chance of rain. Unless it rains, we plan to meet at the park. If it does rain, we will meet at Danya's place. Look for an email if rain is imminent to indicate a change of location.
If you have any last minute questions about our meeting location, you can contact Danya (202 412 9212) or myself (206 819 4987).
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