Wednesday, 2 May 2012

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Sangha Volunteer Opportunity: Saturday May 19th

Hi everyone,
I know folks will be meeting on Sunday afternoon to talk about ways to build the sangha, and so in that spirit, I wanted to put one suggestion out there now because the deadline is coming up soon.
How about getting a team together to participate in the 18th Annual Hands on DC Work-a-Thon!  The date is Saturday, May 19, from 9am-3pm, working in DC public schools.  I did this once several years ago, and it was well-organized and fun.  I think it would be a great way to give back to the community and also spend time together in a thoughtful way.
I'm happy to organize the team - registration ends this Friday.  If you're interested in doing this, please send me an email and I'll sign us up.
Hands on DC's biggest event is a one-day Work-a-thon held every spring. During the Work-a-thon, approximately 2,000 volunteers spend the day at one of about 30 DC public schools. Their work typically involves projects such as painting, cleaning, or landscaping. Other projects require greater skills and resources, such as repairing bathrooms, laying carpet, building tree boxes or wiring classrooms for Internet access.

Creating a better environment for learning is just one of the ways volunteers help local students. They also raise money to fund college scholarships administered by local tutoring and mentoring organizations, and they learn about the condition of and the people involved in the schools. That knowledge helps build support for public education.
Event Location:
Various Public Schools in the District of Columbia
Event Schedule:
Volunteers arrive at their school and sign-in 5/19/2012 8:30 am - 9:00 am
Volunteers work on projects 5/19/2012 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Lunch 5/19/2012 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Volunteers finish projects 5/19/2012 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Volunteers clean-up project area 5/19/2012 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Volunteers go home and rest 5/19/2012 3:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Celebration Party - Location TBD 5/19/2012 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm

General Volunteer: No Fees
If you raise $50 you receive a free t-shirt. Choosing a shirt size during registration does not commit you to purchasing a shirt.

Welcome to the 18th Annual Work-a-Thon Website!

Registration closes MAY 4th!

While registration for the May 19th Work-a-thon ends this Friday (May 4), we have plenty of room for you and your team! We still need more volutneers to help us complete all of the Work-a-thon projects. This year's projects include painting classrooms, landscaping school entrances, and beautifying hallways with murals.

Are you a skilled woodworker or painter? Let us know when you register and we'll find the right project for you. Unskilled? No problem! We'll just keep you away from the circular saw.


Join thousands of other volunteers from all parts of DC as we work together to improve D.C. Public Schools! In addition to your invaluable "hands-on" volunteer efforts, we also have a goal to raise $50,000 in individual donations collected by our volunteers this year to support local schools and scholarship for students. Register now and help empower DC's youth to strive for excellence in the classroom.



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