Wednesday, 30 May 2012

[dcphp-dev] Small Plug for [yet another] regional/sattelite PUG.

Of interest to folks within reasonable distance to Charlottesville, VA.

Hi, my name is Sean Prunka. I can't make it into DC for the cool kids' meetings, so I did the next best thing and created a PHP User Group a little closer to work (and home.)
We're still establishing our basic footing, but have (for the time being) solidified on meeting the third Tuesday of the month, so as not to conflict with other meetings.
We don't have a budget of any sort at this time and are looking for speaking volunteers and co-organizers to share responsibilities.
Everyone here is invited, if Charlottesville isn't too far of a hike for you. Please help spread the word throughout the community

Meetings are hosted at:
Battelle Memorial Institute
1001 Research Park Blvd.
Town Center 2; Suite 400 (in the Kirby Conference Room)
Charlottesville, VA 22911

Third Tuesday of the month (next meeting is June 19th)
Doors open around 5, meeting starts at 6, runs until roughly 7:30 (we may extend it if the group gets large enough, but for now, that hour and a half seems like more than enough time.)

We have a Facebook page ( ), a Twitter account ( @CHOPUG ) and a Google Groups mailing list ( )
So far, I am the only officer and our average meeting size has been 5 people (myself included.) Help us grow? Thank you!

--Seán Prunka

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