Spring 2023 Releasing Ceremony: Forgiveness to Transformation
Downtown Dharma Sangha
DATE: 4/2/2023 TIME: 7:00 - 8:30 PM
In-person:1910 14th Street NW, 3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20009
Online: Zoom ID: https://zoom.us/j/466237117?pwd=cGxHaTJlTVhBdldVSk8weDZuSW5udz09
Facilitators- Travis M. Spencer
Mindful Helper:
This Sunday's topic and practice will be an opportunity to participate in a heart-centered practice of listening and sharing with one another. We will discuss our aspirations for our lives as we move into Spring 2023 within the context of forgiving, releasing, and transforming our lives.
During my dharma share, I will explore the following question:
How do I make forgiveness a part of my life's practice?
Can I forgive myself and others to transform my suffering, and what does that look like?
"Transformation begins in you, wherever you are, whatever has happened, however you are suffering. Transformation is always possible. We do not heal in isolation. When we reach out and connect with one another—when we tell the story, name the hurt, grant forgiveness, and renew or release the relationship—our suffering begins to transform."
― Desmond Tutu, The Book of Forgiving: The Fourfold Path for Healing Ourselves and Our World
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