Thursday, 23 August 2012

Re: [dcphp-dev] New venture -

I think that is a very good idea!


On Aug 23, 2012, at 1:21 AM, Sandy Smith <> wrote:

One thing we haven't done in more than a year is a round of introductions. That will give everybody an opportunity to pitch whatever they're doing, plus it reveals the depth of experience we have in the group to newcomers who may be hesitant to ask questions if they don't think there's someone who might be able to answer it on the list (as opposed to StackOverflow, etc.).

Would people be in favor of doing that?


On Aug 22, 2012, at 1:18 PM, Barry Austin wrote:

While I think the questions are fair, I agree with the points that Brock and Anthony made.

Going further on the second question, people who have contributed to the group and built relationships over time should get a little leeway to announce some things for their own benefit. This is in contrast to people who want to immediately solicit (spam) the group without having contributed or gotten to know us.

So no, we wouldn't welcome everyone advertising to the list. But this is a different case.


On Aug 22, 2012, at 3:01 PM, Sandy Smith <> wrote:

And I'm going to recuse myself from any opinion/decision on this for obvious reasons. I'll go along with any consensus.


On Aug 22, 2012, at 7:10 AM, Brock Boland <> wrote:

Well, it's not a job, and the policy only really covers the "we're hiring," not "we're available to be hired."

I'm not convinced we need a policy around it (yet, anyway), but I'm willing to be wrong.

Brock Boland

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Vernma <> wrote:
So, how does this thread get around the "[Job]" posting requirements? Is everyone free to advertise their ventures to the group list?


On Friday, August 17, 2012 12:10:37 PM UTC-4, Oscar Merida wrote:
Fellow DCPHP'ers:

At our meeting this Tuesday, Sandy announced our new venture I wanted to let you know a bit more about it, in
case you missed it or wanted to know more.

Right now, its made up Sandy Smith (benevolent usergroup dictator), Eli
White (presented about AWS a few months ago), Kevin Bruce (leader of the
FredWebTech group and kick-ass designer), and myself (list and meeting
lurker). We're looking to help any organization, or even startup, that
needs to get a website or product off the ground.

We've all been working in this industry since the early PHP4 days, I
even remember doing some PHP3 sites. We're a cohesive and effective
product team with expertise in building engaging sites that scale. If
you haven't already checked out, please do so.
That's the first thing we built together.

Please pass this on if you know anyone who needs help with a web project.


Oscar Merida
twitter: @omerida

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