Sunday, 5 August 2012

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Upcoming Daylong with Arinna Weisman: "Uncovering the Heart: Healing the Suffering of Privilege" (10/20/12)

Hey everybody, wanted to announce an upcoming event -- also see attached flyer.  For more information and to register, go here


The White Awake affinity group is excited to announce an IMCW daylong for self-identified white practitioners with Arinna Weisman:  "Uncovering the Heart: Healing the Suffering of Privilege."  The daylong is Saturday, October 20 in DC.  We invite white members of the All Souls Sangha to join us at this powerful daylong focused on using mindfulness to explore and begin to heal the internal and external suffering caused by our conditioning.


Arinna Weisman has studied insight meditation since 1979 and has been teaching since 1989.  Recently, her practice and teachings have focused on exploring the relationship between the dharma, race, privilege, and social inequity.


I personally have participated in the "White Awake" affinity group, and here's what I thought about my work there:


 "Examining White Privilege and becoming aware of how it operates in the world has been an eye-opening path for me.

Looking at White Privilege is about waking up to the existence of the flip side of the power differential of racism, how folks consciously or unconsciously contribute to it, how to acknowledge and yet bridge the divide in an authentic way, and what tools and techniques can be leveraged to challenge and dismantle it.

I see this work as very much related to my Buddhist practice, in that it is all about waking up from delusion, compassion (for myself and others), and reduction of suffering."


Thanks, and hope you all are well.


- j








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