Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Re: [dcphp-dev] Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic

I know of an organization that uses cloud apps. Your link no longer works. Tell me a little more about yourself and what you are after and I'll see if the organization I have in mind fits the bill.
Michael Bishton

On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 7:49 AM, <> wrote:


    Toni Ferro <> Jul 30 12:32PM -0700  

    Hey everyone,
    I am hoping it is OK to post this kind of thing to this group. I'm a
    student working on some research about how (or if) people use
    Internet-based applications like Google Docs and Basecamp, etc. for work.
    This group seems like it would be a good group to complete a survey my
    research group has created. The survey is completely anonymous and should
    take less than 10 minutes to complete. Your contribution would mean a lot
    to my research group.
    There isn't a lot of data out there on how people are using Internet-based
    applications in the work world. We're focusing on tech-savvy populations to
    see if we can provide baseline information about how applications like
    these are being used in the professional world. If you can spare a few
    minutes to fill this out, it would really be beneficial to us. We are
    asking groups like this one from all over the country to help us out. Feel
    free to send me any questions about the group or the survey.
    Thank you in advance for your help.
    Also, if you want to know more about our research group (or see some
    evidence that this is actually academic research) our group's website is
    Sincerely, Toni Ferro UW grad student


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