Friday, 9 February 2024

[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] An invitation to RELAX to-gather @ DD on Sun, Feb 11th

Hello relaxation experts!

Do you feel like we're all too often on the run? Like we can't seem to catch up to, or get ahead of our to do lists? Has doing eclipsed being in our list of life priorities?

Is it possible that we're just running from tension? Running from thoughts which create tension? Running from tension which creates thoughts?

What if we gave ourselves permission to RELAX? Just Relax. What if we mutually agreed, and indeed, declared, this Sunday evening, that RELAXATION is an important aspect of our lives? What if, like our shoes, we left striving at the door, and focused instead on R&R.

To me, friends, this. is. meditation.

Yes, I said it. Meditation is Relaxation, and Relaxation is Meditation. Why didn't someone tell us this years ago?!

How did "the practice" become so goal-oriented? How did it get co-opted into a spiritual version of our society's love affair with 'productivity?'

Let's drop EVERYTHING together, admirable friends, just for an hour. Let's Pause together. Let's Relax together. Let's rest together, and see what happens.

On the heels of Vince's leading us through the first of six Insight Dialogue guidelines, PAUSE, a couple weeks ago, let us together begin a journey of cultivating the second, and my personal favorite, RELAX.

After a short meditation and some sharing of guidance on this important quality and ID guideline, we'll break out into dyads and give each other permission to Pause & RELAX, together.

After all, isn't relaxation our nature & birthright, dear friends?

See you Sunday!
brian :)

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