Thursday, 29 September 2022

[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] Love & Curiosity: A Half Day Vipassana Retreat

Hi friends,

I'll be offering a half day retreat on Saturday October 29th from 8:30 AM 1:00 PM at the Brookmont Church in Maryland, just outside DC. I've pasted the blurb below and you can get more details and register here. I would love the chance to practice with all of you again and it is being offered free of charge.  

On the business end of things, I wanted to let you know that I'm leaving the group therapy practice I'm with to start my own practice, Devin Maroney Counseling, beginning this Monday. My new office will be in downtown Bethesda, just a few blocks from my current location.  As always, the Dharma is woven into everything I do and I look forward to continuing to provide healing services in an environment that I anticipate will serve clients well. I only have a couple slots open at the moment, but please feel free to send referrals as they arise. My work email is and my work phone is (240) 630-1231

With love,


Love and Curiosity: A Half Day Vipassana Retreat

Vipassana practice challenges us to approach experience with bright curiosity and tender love. These qualities allow us to see deeply and clearly into our experience, and give us the capacity to be with whatever arises. On this path, both traits are necessary for us to liberate the mind from harmful patterns of greed and hostility. This half-day retreat is intended to provide you with time, space, and supportive guidance to explore the experience of life with love and curiosity.

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[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] Thank you & class informatin

Thank you to all who came out on Sunday to hear about jewelweed, the dharma plant! :) 

Your generous dana was much appreciated. 

For more info on plants and Indigenous wisdom, check out Robin Wall Kimmerer's book,  Braiding Sweetgrass.

For more about the class series I am co-teaching on aging, illness, death, and LIFE, this Saturday (with ASL Interpretation) (six-week format again on Saturdays in October from 4-6p ET) - click here:

Until we gather again,

Em Morrison
my gender pronouns: she/her/hers 

"Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar. Al andar se hace camino ... " 
"Pathmaker, there is no path, You make the path by walking. By walking, you make the path ... "

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[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] An Evening with Downtown Dharma Sangha - Fall Releasing Ceremony 2022: From Grasping to Non-attachment.


Downtown Dharma Sangha Fall Releasing Ceremony 2022: From Grasping to Non-attachment. 

Downtown Dharma Sangha

DATE:  10/2/2022  TIME: 7:00 - 8:30 PM


  • In-person:1910 14th Street NW,  3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20009

Facilitators- Travis M. Spencer 

Mindful Helper: Elicia Renee Wright

This Sunday's topic and practice will be an opportunity to participate in a Releasing Ceremony, which is a symbolic proclamation of releasing aspects of our lived experience that no longer serve us as we continue on this journey of healing and awakening.  We will also participate in a heart-centered practice of listening and sharing with one another. We will discuss our aspirations for our lives as we move through Fall 2022. 

  • During my dharma share, I will explore the following questions: 

    • How does grasping inhibit joy in Life? 

    • How does grasping contribute to mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering?

    • How does non-attachment lead to liberation?


"Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything - anger, anxiety, or possessions - we cannot be free." 

― Thich Nhat Hanh


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[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] An Evening with Downtown Dharma Sangha: Fall Releasing Ceremony 2022: From Grasping to Non-attachment.


Downtown Dharma Sangha Fall Releasing Ceremony 2022: From Grasping to Non-attachment. 

Downtown Dharma Sangha

DATE:  7/3/2022  TIME: 7:00 - 8:30 PM


  • In-person:1910 14th Street NW,  3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20009

Facilitators- Travis M. Spencer 

Mindful Helper: Elicia Renee Wright

This Sunday's topic and practice will be an opportunity to participate in a Releasing Ceremony, which is a symbolic proclamation of releasing aspects of our lived experience that no longer serve us as we continue on this journey of healing and awakening.  We will also participate in a heart-centered practice of listening and sharing with one another. We will discuss our aspirations for our lives as we move through Fall 2022. 

  • During my dharma share, I will explore the following questions: 

    • How does grasping inhibit joy in Life? 

    • How does grasping contribute to mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering?

    • How does non-attachment lead to liberation?


"Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything - anger, anxiety, or possessions - we cannot be free." 

― Thich Nhat Hanh

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Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Free Online Classes With Mission of Love Charities

Take a Free Online Class With Mission of Love Charities.  

Take a free online work readiness class or a class on Financial Health with Mission of Love Charities. Classes prepare individuals for work such as an OSHA training course or the Event and Meeting Planning Bootcamp. Or, take a class on Financial Health or Home Ownership with an Instructor from Chase. Register with the link below. 

Event and Meeting Planning Bootcamp: Tuesday, October 4-Tuesday, November 8, 6-7 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


OSHA for General Industry Training:  Tuesday, October 4 – Friday October 7, 9 a.m - 3 p.m.


Financial Health: Wednesday, October 5, 6-7 p.m.


Home Ownership: Wednesday, October 12, 6-7 p.m.

Read More :- "Free Online Classes With Mission of Love Charities"

Saturday, 24 September 2022

[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] October Book Club - Downtown Dharma Sangha

Hi Everyone

It's time for another book club round! The book will be: Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor. Thank you Josh for suggesting it. 🙏

I get the chance to host this in-person gathering at my place on Saturday, October 22nd from 6pm to 7:30. My condo is in Dupont at 1321 21st St apt 4 NW. My place has a capacity for ten people. We can do an optional potluck after if people are interested. A Zoom option will also be available. Here is the link. 

Please sign up on the spreadsheet here




Aubri Barnes

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Thursday, 22 September 2022

[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] This Sunday's sangha: Jewelweed Lessons

Good afternoon, sangha! I am so blessed to have the opportunity to sit with you all again this coming Sunday at 7pm Eastern at Yoga District at 1910 14th St. NW. You can also join via Zoom. Details for attending in person and online are below. Please note that due to their concerns about monkeypox, Yoga District is now asking attendees to please bring their own props if they can -- more details below. 

I'd like to explore a few themes using the metaphor of jewelweed, a gorgeous plant you'll see blooming around the area if you go walking in Rock Creek Park or any water-based parks (Sligo Creek trail also comes to mind). Metaphors abound: its healing properties, its relationship to poison ivy, the three jewels, impermanence, and the tendencies of an untrained, conditioned mind. 

The Buddha suggested we meditate on the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) in ourselves and see that we are one with nature, not separate. Let's gather and do just that! 

Attending In Person
If you are attending in person, you will need to do the following:

a) Register through the Yoga District sign-up link -- scroll way to the bottom for (14th street) Sunday 7pm.

b) Submit proof of boosted vaccination to or present it in person at the studio.

c) Wear a mask.

d) Arrive 10 minutes early (6:50 pm) to check-in. (Since we staff these events ourselves, the doors will be locked at 7:10 pm and unfortunately, there will be no one at the desk to admit latecomers.)


We ask everyone to register and submit proof of boosted vaccination ahead of time to avoid delays. Class is held on the 3rd floor, up two flights of stairs. 


Attending Online

Click here to join the zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 466 237 117

Passcode: 546447

Join by phone: (646) 876 9923 US (New York)

Monkeypox Precautions
As research into community transmission of the monkeypox virus continues, our generous hosts at Yoga District are implementing additional protocols out of an abundance of caution. 
  • If you have your own cushion, we encourage you to bring it, especially if transport is practical. 
  • You can instead bring a small blanket to sit on, or perhaps use the one you bring to handle and position a Yoga District cushion. 
  • If you are experiencing any skin issues (lesions, open sores, etc.), please be especially careful in this regard.


Em Morrison
my gender pronouns: she/her/hers 

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Sunday, 18 September 2022

[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] Correction on this evening's gathering: Kavya not Kristin

Greetings Friends,

My sincere apologies for creating confusion for our community as I misread the schedule and thought I was teaching this evening. Not so. Instead our community will be supported by Kavya's excellent energy and wisdom. 

I sent out a message yesterday saying I was teaching tonight and followed up with a correction as a reply but thought I should correct my mistake with a fresh message.  

I look forward to holding this space with you next month..

With sincere appreciation,

kristin barker
Pronouns she, her and hers; on occupied land of the Piscataway.

No mud, no lotus. 

  — Thích Nhất Hạnh

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Saturday, 17 September 2022

[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] Re: Tomorrow evening: It All Turns on Compassion

Greetings Friends,

I get very excited about compassion.

My apologies for the confusion as I misread the schedule and thought I was teaching tomorrow evening. Whoops. Instead our community will be supported by Kavya's excellent energy and wisdom. 

I look forward to holding this space next month ... where the discussion will include compassion for our mistakes.

With sincere appreciation,

On Sat, Sep 17, 2022 at 2:10 PM Kristin Barker <> wrote:
Greetings Dear Community,

We will meet this Sunday, August 28 from 7-8:30pm at Yoga District at 1910 14th St. NW. You can also join via Zoom. Details for attending in person and online are below. 

After our community meditation, we'll explore the core concept of compassion. It is difficult to overstate the role of compassion in Buddhist philosophy, teachings, and practices with good reason. Far from mere sentimentality or even the call for empathy, compassion can give us a fundamental approach to wellbeing for ourselves and others, one that can guide us through the most challenging situations.

I look forward to practicing with you at Yoga District or online.

With love and endless blessings,

Attending In Person

Class is held on the 3rd floor, up two flights of stairs. We regret the restriction this places on those with physical disabilities and invite you to join us online.

COVID19 Precautions

We ask everyone to register and submit proof of boosted vaccination ahead of time to avoid delays.  

a) Register through the Yoga District sign-up link -- scroll way to the bottom for (14th street) Sunday 7pm.

b) Submit proof of boosted vaccination to or present it in person at the studio.

c) Wear a mask.

d) Arrive 10 minutes early (6:50 pm) to check-in. (Since we staff these events ourselves, the doors will be locked at 7:10 pm and unfortunately, there will be no one at the desk to admit latecomers.)


Monkeypox Precautions

While I confer with our hosts at Yoga District, the following is provisional. They make no mention I will follow up this message if and when I receive an update from them.  

As research into community transmission of the monkeypox virus continues, our generous hosts at Yoga District are implementing additional protocols out of an abundance of caution. Specifically, they ask that all attendees to events at their facilities, including this one, to refrain from direct contact with their equipment, including their cushions and blankets. Therefore, 
    • If you have your own cushion, we encourage you to bring it, especially if transport is practical. 
    • You can instead bring a small blanket to sit on, or perhaps use the one you bring to handle and position a Yoga District cushion. 
    • If you are experiencing any skin issues (lesions, open sores, etc.), please be especially careful in this regard

kristin barker
Pronouns she, her and hers; on occupied land of the Piscataway.

No mud, no lotus. 

  — Thích Nhất Hạnh

kristin barker
Pronouns she, her and hers; on occupied land of the Piscataway.

No mud, no lotus. 

  — Thích Nhất Hạnh

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[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] Tomorrow evening: It All Turns on Compassion

Greetings Dear Community,

We will meet this Sunday, August 28 from 7-8:30pm at Yoga District at 1910 14th St. NW. You can also join via Zoom. Details for attending in person and online are below. 

After our community meditation, we'll explore the core concept of compassion. It is difficult to overstate the role of compassion in Buddhist philosophy, teachings, and practices with good reason. Far from mere sentimentality or even the call for empathy, compassion can give us a fundamental approach to wellbeing for ourselves and others, one that can guide us through the most challenging situations.

I look forward to practicing with you at Yoga District or online.

With love and endless blessings,

Attending In Person

Class is held on the 3rd floor, up two flights of stairs. We regret the restriction this places on those with physical disabilities and invite you to join us online.

COVID19 Precautions

We ask everyone to register and submit proof of boosted vaccination ahead of time to avoid delays.  

a) Register through the Yoga District sign-up link -- scroll way to the bottom for (14th street) Sunday 7pm.

b) Submit proof of boosted vaccination to or present it in person at the studio.

c) Wear a mask.

d) Arrive 10 minutes early (6:50 pm) to check-in. (Since we staff these events ourselves, the doors will be locked at 7:10 pm and unfortunately, there will be no one at the desk to admit latecomers.)


Monkeypox Precautions

While I confer with our hosts at Yoga District, the following is provisional. They make no mention I will follow up this message if and when I receive an update from them.  

As research into community transmission of the monkeypox virus continues, our generous hosts at Yoga District are implementing additional protocols out of an abundance of caution. Specifically, they ask that all attendees to events at their facilities, including this one, to refrain from direct contact with their equipment, including their cushions and blankets. Therefore, 
    • If you have your own cushion, we encourage you to bring it, especially if transport is practical. 
    • You can instead bring a small blanket to sit on, or perhaps use the one you bring to handle and position a Yoga District cushion. 
    • If you are experiencing any skin issues (lesions, open sores, etc.), please be especially careful in this regard

kristin barker
Pronouns she, her and hers; on occupied land of the Piscataway.

No mud, no lotus. 

  — Thích Nhất Hạnh

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Friday, 16 September 2022

Re: [Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic

Rachel, I am open to leading 10/9.
with METTA (loving-kindness),

Travis M. Spencer LGPC.
CEO and Lead Teacher
Institute of African American Mindfulness LLC (IAAM)

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On Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 5:57 PM <> wrote:
Rachel Melo <>: Sep 14 01:34PM -0400

Hi Everyone,
A teaching spot opened up on Sunday, 10/9. This can be led by a teacher or
community member. If you'd like to lead the meditation and give the Dharma
talk, please let me know what the topic will be and if you have any
With Love,
Rachel Melo
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Best regards,

Email ServiceTeam

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Thursday, 15 September 2022

[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] This Sunday: Peer-Led RAIN Meditation Practice

We will meet Sunday, 18 from 7-8:30pm at Yoga District at 1910 14th St. NW. You can also join via Zoom. Details for attending in person and online are below. Please note that due to their concerns about monkeypox, Yoga District is now asking attendees to please bring their own props if they can -- see more details below. In addition, covid precautions remain. 

This Sunday I will lead a peer-led RAIN meditation session. Many of you are likely familiar, but RAIN is a meditation technique for working with difficult emotions, and also just being with one's experience more generally. The session will involve a guided meditation and group exercises. 

Attending In Person
If you are attending in person, you will need to do the following:

a) Register through the Yoga District sign-up link -- scroll way to the bottom for (14th street) Sunday 7pm.

b) Submit proof of boosted vaccination to or present it in person at the studio.

c) Wear a mask.

d) Arrive 10 minutes early (6:50 pm) to check-in. (Since we staff these events ourselves, the doors will be locked at 7:10 pm and unfortunately, there will be no one at the desk to admit latecomers.)


We ask everyone to register and submit proof of boosted vaccination ahead of time to avoid delays. Class is held on the 3rd floor, up two flights of stairs. 


Attending Online

Click here to join the zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 466 237 117

Passcode: 546447

Join by phone: (646) 876 9923 US (New York)

Monkeypox Precautions
As research into community transmission of the monkeypox virus continues, our generous hosts at Yoga District are implementing additional protocols out of an abundance of caution. Specifically, they ask that all attendees to events at their facilities, including this one, to refrain from direct contact with their equipment, including their cushions and blankets. Therefore, 
  • If you have your own cushion, we encourage you to bring it, especially if transport is practical. 
  • You can instead bring a small blanket to sit on, or perhaps use the one you bring to handle and position a Yoga District cushion. 
  • If you are experiencing any skin issues (lesions, open sores, etc.), please be especially careful in this regard.
Looking forward,


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Wednesday, 14 September 2022

[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] Teaching Spot open 10/9

Hi Everyone,

A teaching spot opened up on Sunday, 10/9. This can be led by a teacher or community member. If you'd like to lead the meditation and give the Dharma talk, please let me know what the topic will be and if you have any questions. 

With Love,

Rachel Melo

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Monday, 12 September 2022

[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] Re: Our *Next Downtown Dharma Reading Group*- Saturday, September 17th -- RSVP here

Also, it seems like my email has a typo at the bottom -- the date is Saturday, September 17th in case there is any confusion.

On Mon, Sep 12, 2022 at 2:37 PM Justin Koufopoulos <> wrote:

Hi all, for our next reading group we'll be watching the Disney/Pixar movie Soul, followed by a short discussion. The movie is 90 minutes long.


We watched a few dharma-related films together during the pandemic as an alternative medium to our usual articles and books. The reception was very positive, so for this time we'll do both a watch party and discussion.

Why the animated movie Soul?

I heard this story about a fish. He swims up to this older fish and says, "I'm trying to find this thing they call the ocean."

"The ocean?" says the older fish. "That's what you're in right now."

"This?" says the young fish. "This is water. What I want is the ocean."

The movie touches on a number of different Buddhist themes, including life after death, transformation, and the striving for peak experiences, and appreciating the here and now.

Sound familiar? Apparently, Pixar consulted a Zen Buddhist teacher in its making.


We'll be hosting at my house. The details are:

Saturday, August 27th, 6:00pm -8:30pm

2726 13th St NW, Unit A (up the stairs)

Washington DC, 20009

Please RSVP here, so I can account for numbers and zoomers.



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[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] Our *Next Downtown Dharma Reading Group*- Saturday, September 17th -- RSVP here

Hi all, for our next reading group we'll be watching the Disney/Pixar movie Soul, followed by a short discussion. The movie is 90 minutes long.


We watched a few dharma-related films together during the pandemic as an alternative medium to our usual articles and books. The reception was very positive, so for this time we'll do both a watch party and discussion.

Why the animated movie Soul?

I heard this story about a fish. He swims up to this older fish and says, "I'm trying to find this thing they call the ocean."

"The ocean?" says the older fish. "That's what you're in right now."

"This?" says the young fish. "This is water. What I want is the ocean."

The movie touches on a number of different Buddhist themes, including life after death, transformation, and the striving for peak experiences, and appreciating the here and now.

Sound familiar? Apparently, Pixar consulted a Zen Buddhist teacher in its making.


We'll be hosting at my house. The details are:

Saturday, August 27th, 6:00pm -8:30pm

2726 13th St NW, Unit A (up the stairs)

Washington DC, 20009

Please RSVP here, so I can account for numbers and zoomers.



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