Wednesday, 29 July 2020

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Re: Great Radical Race Read

Dear friends, 

I've formed a reading circle for the Great Radical Race Read if anyone would like to join - the circle is called DowntownDharmaDC.  If you'd like to join this effort - which includes 5 weeks of reading Radical Dharma and weekly discussion on Wednesday nights at 8:30pm  - please see below.  I indicated Radical Dharma as the book we would read, but based on interest from the group, that could also be changed.
First, you need to register here: so that you will receive all GR3 updates. 
Then, you can join the team from this webpage:

You can also search for the reading circle from this website 



On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 10:06 PM Danya Greenfield <> wrote:

Dear dharma friends, 

Has anyone else seen this effort initiated by SURJ (Standing up for Racial Justice) launching the Great Radical Race Read:?  I would like to join a reading/fundraising circle if someone has started one, rather than starting one fresh.  If so, please message me!  Are others interested in doing this together? 

Here's the brief description: 

Led by Rev. angel Kyodo williams, GR3 is a fundraiser and an invitation to form reading and (un)learning circles around one of five books that cover significant areas of racial education. Rev. angel has been creating multiracial, spiritually grounded, embodied spaces where people transform their understanding of race, white supremacy, and collective liberation together. People at all entry points of conversation on race are welcome.

Join SURJ's GR3 circle which will be reading Radical Dharma by Rev angel, or start a circle of your own. Registration is open through July 27th, and the first "READ-in" is on July 29th. READ-ins will focus on the Radical Dharma 5 Framework for Liberation: contemplative approach, embodied practice, liberatory path, prophetic praxis, and collective praxis. This invitation includes:

  • Reading "Radical Dharma: Talking Race, Love, and Liberation"

  • Joining SURJ's circle and coming to an optional book club discussion

  • Joining five weekly Wednesday webinars aka READ-ins with Rev. angel starting July 29th and going through August 26th

  • Donating to and fundraising for the Radical Dharma Movement Project to raise awareness, educate, and organize to transform race as we know it.


Danya Greenfield
Linked In and 
Skype: dgreenfield
Mobile and Whatsapp: +1 (202) 412 9212


Danya Greenfield
Linked In and 
Skype: dgreenfield
Mobile and Whatsapp: +1 (202) 412 9212

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