Saturday, 25 July 2020

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Online this Sunday with Downtown Dharma: Ethics as Essential Nourishment

Greetings Dear Community,

As is our Sangha's pattern during the extended sheltering-at-home period, we'll meet online Sunday evening from 6:00 to 7:30 pm to meditate together and then consider teachings from the Buddhist wisdom tradition. 

In honor of the passing on July 17 of the great civil rights leader and contemporary Bodhisattva John Robert Lewis, we will explore the domain of ethics as a source of both well-being and guidance on the awakening path. How can we invoke their power to create safety and counter domination, both internally and externally, while guarding against the hazards of judgment, division, and blame?  How might a practice of attending to ethics help us to develop our natural wisdom, strength and courage?

I hope to see you there. Thank you for your practice!


Start time: Sunday, 6:00 PM US Eastern Time - Click here to join the zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 899 0502 8846
Passcode: together or 49242429
Join by phone: (646) 876 9923 US (New York) or find your local number

Kristin Barker
Director and Co-Founder, One Earth Sangha
Pronouns she, her and hers; on traditional land of the Nacotchtank, Piscataway and Pamunkey.

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