Sunday, 20 October 2019

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Dharma reading group 10/27

Hey practitioners,

I mentioned at today's class that a few of us from the Sangha had the idea of trying to start up a monthly reading group that would give us a chance to share and discuss dharma-related books or articles as well as get to know each other a little better outside of the sitting group. Nate & Diane (cc'd) kindly volunteered to host the inaugural meeting next Sunday, 10/27 at 4:30. They live nearby Flow Yoga so we could walk over to class at about 5:45.

I had volunteered to find a group of short readings for our first attempt at this, which I've compiled here. I pulled a few short passages about lovingkindness and processing grief that are meaningful for me. It's less than 10 pages in total. 

If you're interested in attending please let me, Diane, and Nate know. We're dealing with some space constraints so I think we have room for only ~8 guests this time around. If we have broader interest (I certainly hope so!) then maybe in future months we can sort out a larger space.

I'll come prepped with a few brief notes but otherwise I am looking forward to discussing and sharing with whoever is interested.



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