Wednesday, 31 October 2018

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Ward 1 Board of Education

Hey friends!

I hope everyone is well.  I've thought a lot about whether to share this on this platform or not, because I don't want to abuse the listserv, but in the end, I think it is a very important cause.  And honestly, I never know who to vote for for things like School Board.  And in many Sangha's I've attended the issue of politics and the political climate have been on everyone's mind.  And ultimately sitting on the School Board is is a nonpartisan position, and can really make a difference.

So for those of us in Ward 1, my very good friend Callie Kozlak is running for School Board.  I have followed Callie's career for many years, and she has been a teacher both in DC schools, and has had education roles serving refugees and immigrants.  She had an appointment as policy maker at the US Dept of Education for several years.  I have been continually impressed with her aptitude for policy making as well as education, and her passion and commitment to hard work and serving our diverse community here in DC.  I have no reservation in recommending her with my full support.

Take a look at her 3min campaign video and website.  Not sure if you're in Ward 1?  Here's a map.

Again, I hope this email is helpful and not a burden on anyone.  I personally never know much about the School Board candidates and would appreciate an endorsement from a friend.  Of course, most importantly, let's just get out there and vote.

Have a lovely Wednesday,

Kelly Flanagan


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