Wednesday, 31 October 2018

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Ward 1 Board of Education

Hey friends!

I hope everyone is well.  I've thought a lot about whether to share this on this platform or not, because I don't want to abuse the listserv, but in the end, I think it is a very important cause.  And honestly, I never know who to vote for for things like School Board.  And in many Sangha's I've attended the issue of politics and the political climate have been on everyone's mind.  And ultimately sitting on the School Board is is a nonpartisan position, and can really make a difference.

So for those of us in Ward 1, my very good friend Callie Kozlak is running for School Board.  I have followed Callie's career for many years, and she has been a teacher both in DC schools, and has had education roles serving refugees and immigrants.  She had an appointment as policy maker at the US Dept of Education for several years.  I have been continually impressed with her aptitude for policy making as well as education, and her passion and commitment to hard work and serving our diverse community here in DC.  I have no reservation in recommending her with my full support.

Take a look at her 3min campaign video and website.  Not sure if you're in Ward 1?  Here's a map.

Again, I hope this email is helpful and not a burden on anyone.  I personally never know much about the School Board candidates and would appreciate an endorsement from a friend.  Of course, most importantly, let's just get out there and vote.

Have a lovely Wednesday,

Kelly Flanagan
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Sunday, 28 October 2018

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Looking for short-term, low-cost housing

My friend Brian is looking for urgent low-cost housing for his friend Ray. Ray is an older man who got a one-two punch last month of losing both his job and his living situation. He's currently sleeping in a shelter and looking for a short-term, low-cost housing option until he gets back on his feet. There are a lot of housing programs Ray isn't eligible for because he doesn't have a substance abuse or mental health problem - he's just a guy who's down on his luck without a strong support network locally.

You can read more about Ray and his situation below. If you have a spare room available or leads on a room in a group house, please contact Brian at

Hi neighbors, I'm looking to help a friend find a room free or low cost for a while. Ray is 61, a man of quiet faith, heart of gold, loving, sober, thoughtful, optimistic, a fixture in our Brookland neighborhood. In my six years of knowing Ray he is at the very top of my favorite neighbor list. Unfortunately Ray was recently was pushed out of his job, then the same month lost his housing when the elderly woman he was living with was moved to a nursing home. He has little family around and for the past 3 nights has been staying at Central Union Mission, and spending his days looking for new work. 

I'm only reaching out to other networks having tried the following: DC Office of Aging housing (he does have a caseworker there now, not holding my breath), talking with the heads of several subsidized housing property managers (SOME, Victory all have many properties, all with 1+yr waiting lists), posting to our neighborhood Nextdoor listserve, craigslist rooms for rent (majority of listings are posted by young professionals who seem reluctant), and reaching out to friends around town. Things may get a bit easier when he turns 62 April 10 and starts getting a steady SS check and access to DC senior housing. But in the interim he's in a real pinch. If you know of any housing or work options please reach out to me, I can answer questions and would be happy to introduce Ray.  Thanks, Brian (

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Monday, 22 October 2018

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Save the Date! 12/8 "Animals and the Buddha" event

Hello Friends!

I hope you will join us for "Animals and the Buddha: Awakening Compassion for All Beings" co-sponsored by IMCW and Dharma Voices for Animals (DVA). The event will include a film screening, delicious vegan food, and discussion/reflection. Co-facilitated by Kristin Barker (IMCW teacher/One Earth Sangha Director) and Alexandra Arbogast (local DVA chapter leader). Details below and flyer attached. Please spread the word. Registration at:

Animals and the Buddha: Awakening Compassion for All Beings

Film Screening. Vegan Food. Discussion

Co-Presented by Dharma Voices for Animals and IMCW

Please join us for a screening of the film "Animals and the Buddha", directed by acclaimed documentary filmmaker Keegan Kuhn ("Cowspiracy", "What the Health"), to raise awareness and encourage deeper reflection on how extending compassion to all animals, particularly the animals we might typically forget about, is consistent with the Buddhist path.

Delicious, healthy plant-based food will be served to give participants a first-hand experience of one of the most powerful and positive steps they can take to reduce the suffering of sentient beings, improve health, and heal the planet.

We will share in group discussion of the film's message and explore what we can do personally and collectively to arouse more compassion for all beings.

Co-facilitated by Kristin Barker (IMCW Teacher, Director One Earth Sangha) and Alexandra Arbogast (local chapter leader, Dharma Voices for Animals)

When: Saturday, December 8, 2018 from 6:30-9pm

Where: IMCW Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 200, DC, 20016

Registration: Please go to: to register. A donation of $10 is appreciated to cover costs. All proceeds benefit Dharma Voices for Animals and the work of spreading compassion for animals.

Event Contact: Alexandra Arbogast, 202-506-0069,

To learn more about Dharma Voices for Animals, please go to:

With love,


May all beings be happy!

Alexandra "Ali" Arbogast, LICSW, LCSW-C, C-IAYT

Integrative Psychotherapist & Life Coach
Certified iRest® Meditation Teacher
Certified Yoga Therapist
Mindfulness Teacher

"Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."   -Albert Einstein

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[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Place to stay close to Charlotesville and yogaville. (Friends house) Airbn

Hi everyone, 

I wanted to offer this place to stay close to Ashram- Yogaville.

My friend is offering her place to stay. I went over the summer and enjoyed very much. In yogaville, they have hatha yoga, which I enjoyed very much and they have a temple suitable for silent meditation. There is a bunch of other programs as well. 

I let the post here if anyone would like to join.


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Saturday, 20 October 2018

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Short-Term Sublease Opportunity

Greetings Downtown Dharma Community,

This message is intended to reach anyone in the community who seeks a short-term sublease opportunity. One large unfurnished bedroom is available for rent for the months of November and December starting on 10/27 at the Lamont Dharma House. Two photos of the bedroom have been attached, and more information can be found on the website at Please respond via email at to express interest.

Thank you for your kind attention.


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[Downtown Dharma Listserve] "Other People Are the Path" Online class with Kaira Jewel tomorrow, Sunday Oct 21, 2pm EDT

Dear friends, I want to invite you to join an online class tomorrow on World Wide Insight that I will offer, "Other People are the Path: Relationships as Practice." From 2-3:30pm EDT. The class is free and donations are welcome.

Other People Are the Path: Relationships as Practice

Note: This Sunday's class is an introduction to a 4-week online course I will offer starting next week, and it is a stand-alone class that can be beneficial whether or not you take the online class. 

When I was a novice nun, I was attending my teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh, whom his students call 'Thay,' which means 'teacher' in Vietnamese. It was always a great privilege to be able to serve as his attendant  when he would visit our nun's hamlet. I felt a mixture of joy at getting to be close to him and learn from him, and also trepidation as I worried I might do something wrong in serving him or that he might spot some weakness or lack in my practice. In fact, as I grew to know him more, I understood he was constantly looking for ways to nourish our strengths and also guide each of us in the midst of our difficulties with great love.

On this occasion, I had served him tea and he was peacefully resting in his hammock as I sat quietly nearby. (At that time my Vietnamese monastic name was Sr. Chau Nghiem, meaning 'Adornment with Jewel').

He said out of the blue, "Chau Nghiem, other people are the path."

Somehow he knew I was having a hard time with a particular elder sister, who many people found quite difficult. She had suffered a lot in her life as I would later learn the more I got to know her.

I listened with a tender heart as he softly continued to speak about how we don't wake up outside of our relationships. That isolating ourselves or choosing to be only with those we like and agree with is not how we learn to truly love.

This conversation has stayed with me ever since, especially when I am struggling in my relationship with others.

This Sunday, we will explore how our relationships are the very path of awakening and how we can show up fully in our interactions with others, especially those we find challenging.  People we find difficult can teach us a great deal and we will learn ways to practice with these painful relationships to profit from their transformative lessons.

We will also do a writing exercise that can be helpful in keeping our relationships fresh and as a way to support reconciliation with those we are struggling with. So bring paper and pen to class, and you are also welcome to do the writing practice as a guided meditation instead if that works better for you.

You can join the Sunday class here.

You can register for the 4-week class here.

May you be safe, happy and full of ease,

Kaira Jewel

Gender pronouns: she, her, hers

"The present moment is the only time over which we have dominion. The most important person is always the person you are with, who is right before you, for who knows if you will have dealings with any other person in the future? The most important pursuit is making the person standing at your side happy, for that alone is the pursuit of life." ― Thich Nhat Hanh, The Miracle of Mindfulness 

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[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Correction: This Sunday Evening at the Potter's House

Hi friends,

It appears I got ahead of myself. This Sunday is a peer-led Sangha. Instead, I will be teaching on mental formations next Sunday, October 28th. Thanks to Linda for noticing my error. 

I hope you are able to join the Sangha tomorrow evening.

May you be well,

On Fri, Oct 19, 2018, 7:05 PM Kristin Barker <> wrote:
Greetings Friends,

After being away for work and retreat, I'm looking forward to being with you again this Sunday evening, 6:00 to 7:30 pm at the Potter's House (1658 Columbia Rd, NW).

We'll continue the exploration of the super nerdy but completely fascinating five aggregates with a focus on the forth aggregate, mental formations.

Okay, what the heck is mental formations? Well, I maintain that I hit the jackpot by getting to explore this one with you for this is the peak process through which our own minds create suffering. This is our mental habit of telling intensely compelling stories of how things are, how they should be and finally (in the subtraction that leads to suffering) exactly how far things are from how they should be (and probably who is precisely to blame for this difference).

To investigate with kindness and non-judgmental awareness our mental formations is the beginning of releasing their intense grip on our minds, hearts and life energy.

I look forward to exploring this topic with you on Sunday!


Kristin Barker
Director and Co-Founder, One Earth Sangha
1earthsangha website facebook twitter 

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Friday, 19 October 2018

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] This Sunday Evening at the Potter's House

Greetings Friends,

After being away for work and retreat, I'm looking forward to being with you again this Sunday evening, 6:00 to 7:30 pm at the Potter's House (1658 Columbia Rd, NW).

We'll continue the exploration of the super nerdy but completely fascinating five aggregates with a focus on the forth aggregate, mental formations.

Okay, what the heck is mental formations? Well, I maintain that I hit the jackpot by getting to explore this one with you for this is the peak process through which our own minds create suffering. This is our mental habit of telling intensely compelling stories of how things are, how they should be and finally (in the subtraction that leads to suffering) exactly how far things are from how they should be (and probably who is precisely to blame for this difference).

To investigate with kindness and non-judgmental awareness our mental formations is the beginning of releasing their intense grip on our minds, hearts and life energy.

I look forward to exploring this topic with you on Sunday!


Kristin Barker
Director and Co-Founder, One Earth Sangha
1earthsangha website facebook twitter 

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Your October 2018 Mission Insider Newsletter is here!

October 2018
Welcome to our October edition of Mission Insider. To honor Domestic Violence Month, Mission of Love Charitites, Inc. is partnering with the Arts and Humanities Council of Prince George's County to provide a Paint Party for the Women that we serve at our Education and Training Center (located at the Women Shelter) on October 29, 2018. At this event Visual Artist Ryann Kelly will give a step by step instructional demonstration of an original image and each participant will receive a canvas and the materials needed to complete the project. The finished painting will be for our women to keep at the end of the party!
Thanksgiving Food Distribution
Mission of Love Charities, Inc. will be distributing 200 Turkeys on November 19, 2018 from 12:00pm to 6:00pm. Please let clients in need know about this great event. 

Mission of Love Charities, Inc. will be distributing more than 300 Toys to low-income children on December 20, 2018. In order to meet our goal we are asking for Toy Donations and details can be found in the Flyer below. We will also have our first Holiday Teen Girl Shop on December 20, 2018 from 5:00pm to 6:00pm.

If you know of any families in need that would benefit from both events please distribute this information.
Mission of Love Charities | 301-333-4440 | Fax: 301-333-4317 ||
6180 Old Central Ave | Capitol Heights, MD 20743
© 2018 Mission of Love Charities, Inc.
Mission of Love Charities, Inc., 6180 Old Central Avenue, Capitol Heights, MD 20743
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[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Kaira Jewel's Online course: Widen Your Heart and Deepen it’s Capacity to Love

Dear friends, warmest greetings and may this message find you fulfilled and at ease. I wanted to let you know about the below online course I will be teaching which starts next week. Its my first online course! It runs for four weeks, with pre-recorded video teachings and guided meditations you can watch each week plus a live call each Sunday. I would be most grateful if you could help spread the word. Scholarships are available.
with a smile and much gratitude for you!
Kaira Jewel
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It's always been a pleasure having Kaira Jewel Lingo teach on the Sunday sessions with us at Worldwide Insight.  So we are excited to now be able to offer a 4 week online course with her.

The course will explore how we can cultivate true love to strengthen and bring greater fulfillment into all of our relationships, whether it be with loved ones, friends, or in our workplace and wider community.

Painful and dangerous levels of divisiveness and conflict are growing around the world. These heart practices help us to find and nurture the thread of connection that is always there between us and others, individually and collectively.

In each lesson, we'll study one of the 4 elements of True Love: loving kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity or inclusiveness.

We'll learn ways to practice each of these elements both with ourselves and with others.

Each of us has the capacity to widen our heart and deepen it's capacity to love, even those we find difficult or hard to love.

The course will include the six mantras of true love, powerful phrases offered by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.

These can help us show up fully in relationships with ourselves and others.

We will also learn songs that help us remember and embody these teachings on love in our daily lives.

For those of you who don't yet know Kaira Jewel, she teaches meditation and mindfulness internationally, with a focus on activists, people of color, artists, educators, families, and youth.

She began practicing mindfulness in 1997. An ordained nun of 15 years in Thich Nhat Hanh's Order of Interbeing, she is now based in Washington, D.C., leading retreats in the U.S. and internationally, offering mindfulness programs for educators and youth in schools, as well as individual spiritual mentoring.

The course starts 23rd October and runs until 18th November.  

To find out more, to see some video clips from the course, and to register click the below link..

Moving from separation to authentic connection

Wishing you well in your practice.


Co-Host Worldwide Insight
Co-Founder Realize

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