---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Conrad Brian Law <cblaw@ursuccess.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 11:22 AM
Subject: Free Online Classes (help us get the word out)
Cc: cblaw@knowledgelearningsolutions.com
Can you help get the word out about our 9 FREE online classes? Our site
can handle over 1000 students.
Conrad Brian Law
Knowledge Learning Solutions & Generations of Hope is offering nine free
online classes for the community through our
http://www.CareerSkillsInstitute.com site. The free classes include topics
focusing on personal and career success and technology skills.
Please register at www.CareerSkillsInstitute.com for our free online
classes now.
Career Success Strategies: 10 Steps to Jumpstart Your Career
Participants of this course will learn why most of us are under-employed
and don't get an opportunity to reach our true potential in the workplace.
You also learn steps to take to maximize your career potential. If you
have to go to work, you might as well get paid well.
Success is Achieving Your Dreams
Why are we here? A simple question with answers that are anything but
simple. Everyone of us have dreamed at sometime in our life. Those
dreams are the key to success in our lives. This course teaches how we can
create success in our life by achieving our dreams.
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
This self development course is based on the classic book, "Think and Grow
Rich" by Napoleon Hill. We will give you an overview of the Principles of
Success and resources that have changed the lives of millions and can
change yours to.
Additional free courses include:
Microsoft Word 2003
Microsoft Publisher 2003
Microsoft PowerPoint 2003
Microsoft Outlook 2003
Microsoft Project 2003
Windows XP
Conrad Brian Law
Knowledge Learning Solutions
10905 Livingston Road
Fort Washington, MD 20744
866-599-4330 Office
301-203-7628 Fax
From: Conrad Brian Law <cblaw@ursuccess.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 11:22 AM
Subject: Free Online Classes (help us get the word out)
Cc: cblaw@knowledgelearningsolutions.com
Can you help get the word out about our 9 FREE online classes? Our site
can handle over 1000 students.
Conrad Brian Law
Knowledge Learning Solutions & Generations of Hope is offering nine free
online classes for the community through our
http://www.CareerSkillsInstitute.com site. The free classes include topics
focusing on personal and career success and technology skills.
Please register at www.CareerSkillsInstitute.com for our free online
classes now.
Career Success Strategies: 10 Steps to Jumpstart Your Career
Participants of this course will learn why most of us are under-employed
and don't get an opportunity to reach our true potential in the workplace.
You also learn steps to take to maximize your career potential. If you
have to go to work, you might as well get paid well.
Success is Achieving Your Dreams
Why are we here? A simple question with answers that are anything but
simple. Everyone of us have dreamed at sometime in our life. Those
dreams are the key to success in our lives. This course teaches how we can
create success in our life by achieving our dreams.
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
This self development course is based on the classic book, "Think and Grow
Rich" by Napoleon Hill. We will give you an overview of the Principles of
Success and resources that have changed the lives of millions and can
change yours to.
Additional free courses include:
Microsoft Word 2003
Microsoft Publisher 2003
Microsoft PowerPoint 2003
Microsoft Outlook 2003
Microsoft Project 2003
Windows XP
Conrad Brian Law
Knowledge Learning Solutions
10905 Livingston Road
Fort Washington, MD 20744
866-599-4330 Office
301-203-7628 Fax
Forwarded by:
Sheri Betts
Executive Director (Acting)
Mission of Love Charities, Inc.
Website: www.MOLCinc.org
Sheri Betts
Executive Director (Acting)
Mission of Love Charities, Inc.
Website: www.MOLCinc.org
MOLC is a nonprofit health and human services organization dedicated to meeting the immediate basic human needs of underprivileged and impoverished citizens throughout the Washington region. MOLC provides programs and services designed for short-term stability and equips individuals with skills necessary for long-term stability and growth. Mission of Love Charities, Inc. 6180 Old Central Avenue, Capitol Heights, MD 20743 • 301-333-4440 www.molcinc.org |
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