From: Council District 5 <>
Date: Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 1:37 PM
Subject: Don't wait--register today for the 2013 College and Career Preparatory Conference, Saturday January 26, 2013
Happy New Year District 5 Residents and Friends!
Don't forget to RSVP for Council Chair Andrea Harrison's 2013 College and Career Preparatory Conference! The event promises to be an exciting day of college and career exploration for 8-12th grade students and parents in Prince George's County! Representatives from a variety of academic and vocational trade organizations will be on hand to facilitate workshops and provide one on one guidance to conference attendees. To register, please send the names of participants, contact information, current school where your student is enrolled, and indicate whether you are a student or parent attending to by Friday January 18th, 2013.
But wait, just one more thing…be generous and share the flyer with your neighbors, friends, and family!
We look forward to seeing you!
Sandra Y. Flowe
Director of Public Affairs, District 5
Office of Andrea C. Harrison, Chair
Prince George's County Council
Office: 301-952-3864
Fax: 301-952-5885
Mobile: 240-320-3021
Sheri Betts
Executive Director (Acting)
Mission of Love Charities, Inc.
6180 Old Central Avenue
Capitol Heights MD 20743
Wk: 301-333-4440
Fax: 301-333-4317
MOLC is a nonprofit health and human services organization dedicated to meeting the immediate basic human needs of underprivileged and impoverished citizens throughout the Washington region. MOLC provides programs and services designed for short-term stability and equips individuals with skills necessary for long-term stability and growth. Mission of Love Charities, Inc. 6180 Old Central Avenue, Capitol Heights, MD 20743 • 301-333-4440 |
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