Friday, 9 August 2024

[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] This Sunday: Exploring "Anatta" with Insight Dialogue

Dear Friends,

One of the core teachings of the Buddhist path is the three characteristics. The third and last on this list, "Anatta," is a Pali word which translates to "not-self."

No matter where we look, the Buddha said, we will not find a self that's in control of our lives. 

For some, this notion can stir up anxiety. As we explore this possibility on Sunday with the help of our dyad or triad partner(s), we'll feel into what we find, to see if dropping a self is stressful, or relieving. Personally, I find the latter to be true, again and again, and I look forward to sharing that experience with you.

Some have been conditioned to believe that not-self is an advanced insight which requires thousands of hours of meditation practice. This turns out not to be the case. 'I myself' feel the anxiety-reducing effects of Anatta interspersedly throughout most days, and I believe strongly that this is available to all persons and at all times.

This Sunday evening, we will simultaneously leverage three of the most powerful supports on the path to awakening, (1) friendship, (2) talking about the Dharma, and (3) hearing the Dharma, to help us investigate in real-time the Buddha's claim about not-self. We will do this through a relational meditation practice called, Insight Dialogue, one which the Downtown Dharma community has been exploring monthly for the last six months.

In case this is your first time encountering Insight Dialogue practice, please expect some participatory conversation as we play with the six ID guidelines of: pause; relax; open; attune to emergence; listen deeply; and speak deeply.

We'll start with a short silent guided meditation, after which we'll break into dyads or triads for relational practice.

I hope to see you there—online or in person!

• In-person: Sunday, July 11th, 7-8:30pm @ Yoga District — 1910 14th Street NW, 3rd Floor, Washington, DC (please arrive 5-10 minutes early)

• Online via Zoom:

brian :)

"What we are looking for is what is looking."
― St. Francis of Assisi


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