Friday, 24 May 2024

[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] This Sunday at Downtown Dharma: Atonement and Happiness

Dear Downtown Dharma friends, 

We all deserve to be happy and free, but we so often feel bogged down by our past, caught up in old patterns of thinking and behavior that do not serve us well. How can we loosen the binds of our past to move toward happiness and freedom? The Zen Buddhist atonement vow offers a wonderful touchstone for our spiritual journey. It goes as follows:

All my ancient twisted karma

From beginning-less greed hate and delusion

Borne through body, speech and mind

I now fully avow

Consideration of the atonement vow can help us sort out how past events and our decisions, large and small, brought us to where we are today. For millenia it has served as a guide for a healthier and more satisfying life founded on acceptance, wisdom and compassion. 


This Sunday, we'll meditate for 30 minutes together, I'll give a talk on the atonement vow, and then we'll break up into small groups to share our spiritual journeys. Come join us in community! 


In appreciation,




Atonement and Happiness

Facilitator ~ Mark Stone

Sunday, 5/26/2024, 7:00 - 8:30 PM ET

Downtown Dharma Sangha

In-person: 1910 14th Street NW, 3rd Floor, Washington, DC

Online: Zoom ID:



Mark Stone (he/him)

Practice Leader, All Beings Zen Sangha

Teacher & TreasurerInsight on the Inside

Meditation & mindfulness teacher

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