Hi all,
Just a friendly reminder that our reading group will be meeting this Saturday, 9/18 at 6-7:30pm. See below (my prior email) for the address and details on the reading.
If you'd like to join remotely, see below for the Zoom link, courtesy of Brandel.
Please let me know if you plan on joining either in person (if you are fully vaccinated) or remotely. For those who have RSVP'ed already, thanks so much!
Looking forward to Saturday.
Brandel France de Bravo is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Downtown Dharma Book Group (at Kaz's house for those who are vaccinated)
Time: Sep 18, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83651996659?pwd=VHFOY3ZIQXN0UDZncjdER0RHaVhydz09Meeting ID: 836 5199 6659
Passcode: 715470
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Meeting ID: 836 5199 6659
Passcode: 715470
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Hi all,
The next meeting of the Downtown Dharma reading group will be on Saturday, September 18th at 6-7:30pm. We will be reading
The Book of Joy, a conversation between the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu. The book is split into three sections, and we will be reading the first section, "The Nature of True Joy" (p. 1-67). We plan on having a free-flowing discussion after a few opening thoughts/questions.
We will be doing a hybrid in-person/Zoom meeting. We ask that participants only join in person if they have been fully vaccinated. The meeting will be held at my intentional community, Maitri House.
Meeting info:Date/Time: Saturday, 9/18, 6-7:30pm
Address: 251 Manor Circle, Takoma Park, MD 20912. You are welcome to read more about Maitri House
here, including the note about accessibility.
People are welcome to stick around for an optional group dinner afterwards.
If you can make it, please RSVP to me by replying to this email so that I can set up the space and inform my housemates. No pressure to have completed the reading in order to join.
Zoom link to follow in an email closer to the date.
Looking forward to reading this book with you all!
Karen (Kaz)
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