Saturday, 17 October 2020

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Watching the Decider

Hi friends,

One of the gifts of insight is losing the stress and confusion that comes with thinking that we are the one who has to figure it all out and hold it all together. The dharma shows us that we can watch the mind make decisions, without having to imagine ourselves as the one deciding. This shift in perception doesn't mean that we abandon our responsibilities. In fact, when we are able to let go of the perception of a self who is deciding things, our minds become better at responding wisely to life's complexities. For me, this aspect of the dharma is the one that has most closely aligned with my understanding of god and the benefits of prayer. This will be the topic of this week's dharma talk and the theme for the class. 

We will meet at 6:00 - 7:30 on the internet. The details for the meeting are pasted below. Like last week, we will forgo the breakout rooms in favor of a large group discussion. 

With love,


Start time: Sunday, 6:00 PM US Eastern Time - Click here to join the zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 466 237 117
Passcode: 546447
Join by phone: (646) 876 9923 US (New York) or find your local number

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