Friday, 11 September 2020

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] This Sunday's Online Sangha: The Dharma of Fire

Greetings Dear Community,

As is our Sangha's pattern during the extended sheltering-at-home period, we'll meet online Sunday evening from 6:00 to 7:30 pm to meditate together and then consider teachings in the Dharma wisdom tradition. 

The word "unprecedented" is showing up a lot in news reports about the California wildfires. Many of us in this Sangha have friends and family there who are already displaced or at least waking up to skies of falling ash and eerily orange light. Even far away, amid our relative safety, these manifestations of climate crisis can be deeply distressing. Feelings of fear, dread, and hopelessness can easily arise. 

Having explored this territory for more than five years with One Earth Sangha, it remains my firm belief that the Dharma has critical and largely untapped wisdom and practices to offer. We can understand how (the h~*#!) we got here, how we can possibly be with this, and how we might meaningfully respond. This Sunday, we'll look at one such aspect: the Dharma of Fire.  

I hope to see you there. 

Thank you for your practice!


Start time: Sunday, 6:00 PM US Eastern Time - Click here to join the zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 466 237 117
Passcode: 546447
Join by phone: (646) 876 9923 US (New York) or find your local number

Kristin Barker
Director and Co-Founder, One Earth Sangha
Pronouns she, her and hers; on traditional land of the Nacotchtank, Piscataway and Pamunkey.

No mud, no lotus. 

  — Thích Nhất Hạnh

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