Sunday, 27 September 2020

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] This Evening's Online Sangha: Meeting the Unwanted

Greetings Dear Community,

As is our Sangha's pattern during the extended sheltering-at-home period, we'll meet online this evening from 6:00 to 7:30 pm to meditate together and then consider teachings in the Dharma wisdom tradition. 

Whether from personal events, uncertain job-situations, political upheavals, or a rapidly changing climate, many of us are working with compounding difficulties. Our hearts can get so stretched then squeezed then stretched again that at some point they start to shut down or freak out. It's easy to feel overwhelmed. The invitation to pause and be with our experience might seem compelling, but why is it so difficult to actually begin and follow this all the way through? We might love the teachings that promise some form of relief, yet so often in our experience, that promise can go unfulfilled. What is happening here?

In tonight's exporation, we'll explore what can thwart our intention to transform the unwanted and how, with careful attention, we can become our own teacher of liberation.  

I hope to see you there. 

Thank you for your practice!


Start time: Sunday, 6:00 PM US Eastern Time - Click here to join the zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 466 237 117
Passcode: 546447
Join by phone: (646) 876 9923 US (New York) or find your local number

Kristin Barker
Director and Co-Founder, One Earth Sangha
Pronouns she, her and hers; on traditional land of the Nacotchtank, Piscataway and Pamunkey.

No mud, no lotus. 

  — Thích Nhất Hạnh

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Monday, 21 September 2020

Mission of Love Charities Newsletter

Mission of Love Charities Newsletter
Dear Mission of Love Charities friends, donors and supporters,
The Fall 2020 Issue of our newsletter is available now.
This issue is filled with news about what we're doing these days, new programs and our big move! We will also provide an update on our efforts supporting the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thanks to all for your support, contributions, and good will. As always, Mission of Love Charities is persisting in its mission to serve low-income and homeless individuals, families and children in our community.
With your help, we are able to continue to serve those in need.
Thank you very much.
With best,
Deborah Martinez
Mission of Love Charities |
Read More :- "Mission of Love Charities Newsletter"

Sunday, 20 September 2020

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Meditation Tonight at 6 PM ET

Dear Friends,


I look forward to being with you tonight at 6 pm ET for meditation, dharma, and sharing in community.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 466 237 117
Password: 546447


One tap mobile
+16468769923,,466237117# US (New York)


With love,

Linda | 240.888.5138

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Thursday, 17 September 2020

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] I'm teaching Compassion Cultivation Training through the Center for Mindful Living this Fall

Dear sangha members,

I wanted to let you know about an online course I will be offering through the Center for Mindful Living (10% of tuition will go to CML), beginning in mid-October: Compassion Cultivation Training.© This 8-week course developed at Stanford University by a team of contemplative scholars, clinical psychologists, and researchers is taught at the Medical School and around the world by certified teachers. It is designed to strengthen your natural capacity for compassion, empathy and kindness—toward yourself and others—and increase resilience. Many who have taken Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT™) say that it has given them a sense of balance and allowed them to live with greater joy and intention.

There's been a lot of talk about empathy and compassion of late—who has these two qualities, who doesn't, and the need for compassionate leadership.  Months into the pandemic, physicians, nurses and other health professionals are complaining of burnout and compassion fatigue. Whether or not we're front-line workers, many of us worry that an empathy deficit is fueling our nation's divide. Could teaching people how to tap into their innate powers of compassion be the answer? In January of this year (seems like a lifetime ago, I know), The Washington Post published, "In an Angry America, a New Remedy Emerges: Compassion."

To find out more or register for the free 90-minute introduction to CCT on Zoom on Wednesday,  October 7,  from 6:30-8:00 pm (no obligation to take the 8-week course and you don't have to take the Intro to enroll in the 8-week course), go here

To find out more or register for the 8-week course on Wednesdays October 14-December 9 from 6:30-8:30 pm (no class on Nov 25th), taught through the Center for Mindful Living on Zoom,  go here.

And if you are a physician, nurse, physician assistant, social worker, psychologist, or case manager, you might want to take this same course with me at the Smith Center for Healing and the Arts where I can offer 14 CMEs/CEs for participating in the 8-week Compassion Cultivation Training. That course will be held on Zoom on Mondays October 19-December 7 from 6:30-8:30. To find out more or register for that course, go here.

Feel free to share with friends or colleagues and to write me at to ask questions or to request a tuition reduction.  I don't want cost to be a barrier! You can read more about CCT at the Compassion Institute. 

I look forward too sitting with you all soon!



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Wednesday, 16 September 2020

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Sangha Survey

Dear Friends,

Kristin, Travis, Devin, and I thought it might be helpful to find out how our virtual sessions are going for you thus far and how we might be better able to support the sangha during this time.

We plan to send a survey to the group for this purpose. If you would like to help us with this endeavor, please send me an email by September 19. We are looking for 1 to 2 volunteers.

Thank you,
Linda | 240.888.5138

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Friday, 11 September 2020

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] This Sunday's Online Sangha: The Dharma of Fire

Greetings Dear Community,

As is our Sangha's pattern during the extended sheltering-at-home period, we'll meet online Sunday evening from 6:00 to 7:30 pm to meditate together and then consider teachings in the Dharma wisdom tradition. 

The word "unprecedented" is showing up a lot in news reports about the California wildfires. Many of us in this Sangha have friends and family there who are already displaced or at least waking up to skies of falling ash and eerily orange light. Even far away, amid our relative safety, these manifestations of climate crisis can be deeply distressing. Feelings of fear, dread, and hopelessness can easily arise. 

Having explored this territory for more than five years with One Earth Sangha, it remains my firm belief that the Dharma has critical and largely untapped wisdom and practices to offer. We can understand how (the h~*#!) we got here, how we can possibly be with this, and how we might meaningfully respond. This Sunday, we'll look at one such aspect: the Dharma of Fire.  

I hope to see you there. 

Thank you for your practice!


Start time: Sunday, 6:00 PM US Eastern Time - Click here to join the zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 466 237 117
Passcode: 546447
Join by phone: (646) 876 9923 US (New York) or find your local number

Kristin Barker
Director and Co-Founder, One Earth Sangha
Pronouns she, her and hers; on traditional land of the Nacotchtank, Piscataway and Pamunkey.

No mud, no lotus. 

  — Thích Nhất Hạnh

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Saturday, 5 September 2020

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Introducing a Mindful Healing Method.

Introducing a Mindful Healing Method.

Downtown Dharma Sangha

DATE:  9/6/2020  TIME: 6:00 - 7:30 PM

Location: Online

Zoom ID:

Facilitator- Travis M. Spencer 
Mindful Helper- Elicia R. Wright

During our time together, we will discuss what it means to heal by finding balance through Mindful Living.

"When we are mindful, deeply in touch with the present moment, our understanding of what is going on deepens, and we begin to be filled with acceptance, joy, peace, and love."

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To view this discussion on the web visit
Read More :- "[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Introducing a Mindful Healing Method."

Friday, 4 September 2020

Mrs.Rosa Gomes:

Dear Beloved

Life is gradually passing away from me as a result of my present medical condition and my personal doctor confided in me yesterday that I have only but few more weeks to live.

In view of this setback, I want to donate my estate for humanitarian assistance, since this has always been the plan of my late husband and besides I have no child.

In an effort to compliment the good work of God almighty and the wish of my late Husband I donate the sum of $2,847,000.00 (Two Million Eight Hundred and Forty Seven Thousand United States Dollars) to you.

On your acknowledgment of this mail and informing me of your nationality and current place of resident, my Bank will facilitate due processes for transfer of this legacy to you.

May God bless you as you use this money judiciously for the work of charity.

Sincere regards,

Mrs.Rosa Gomes.
Read More :- "Mrs.Rosa Gomes: "

Mrs.Rosa Gomes ;

Dear Beloved

Life is gradually passing away from me as a result of my present medical condition and my personal doctor confided in me yesterday that I have only but few more weeks to live.

In view of this setback, I want to donate my estate for humanitarian assistance, since this has always been the plan of my late husband and besides I have no child.

In an effort to compliment the good work of God almighty and the wish of my late Husband I donate the sum of $2,847,000.00 (Two Million Eight Hundred and Forty Seven Thousand United States Dollars) to you.

On your acknowledgment of this mail and informing me of your nationality and current place of resident, my Bank will facilitate due processes for transfer of this legacy to you.

May God bless you as you use this money judiciously for the work of charity.

Sincere regards,

Mrs.Rosa Gomes.
Read More :- "Mrs.Rosa Gomes ;"