Friday, 19 June 2020

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Liberating the Heart: A 5 Part Series offered through IMCW

Greetings Dear Community,

I am inviting our sangha to join a class series offered by myself and fellow IMCW teacher Stan Eisenstein on Opening to Emptiness. The concept of "emptiness" in Buddhism is wildly and widely misunderstood. Yet it is not different from our basic mindfulness practice (read: you're already doing it!) and, when explicitly explored and developed, offers enormous freedom.

In the midst of several overlapping personal and social challenges, it might seem strange if not problematic to invest in such deep spiritual teachings. You are right to be concerned for the danger of "spiritual bypass" is real. But we need not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Clear comprehension, fully embodied, can help us navigate these challenges and respond in ways that are truly helpful to ourselves and others. With our hearts evermore available, our minds increasingly disentangled, we can show up for the causes that move us in ways we didn't think possible. 

I submit that the potential for our times is right in front of us: the full integration of the contemplative and the activist who can respond to a suffering world. In that spirit, I invite you to join this exploration of one of the most profound teachings in Dharma.

The class will take place online and include four Tuesday evenings for 2 hours, July 21-August 11 followed by a daylong on Saturday, August 15, 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. You can learn more and register here.

With appreciation for your practice,

Kristin Barker
Director and Co-Founder, One Earth Sangha
Pronouns she, her and hers; on traditional land of the Nacotchtank, Piscataway and Pamunkey.

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