Sunday, 17 May 2020

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Re: Tonight @ 6 PM

Dear All,


It was great to be with you tonight. As promised, I have attached the picture of the 4 foundations of mindfulness that I shared.


And tonight's poem:

Don't Hesitate by Mary Oliver from her book Swan: Poems and Prose Poems


If you suddenly and unexpectedly feel joy, don't hesitate. Give in to it. There are plenty of lives and whole towns destroyed or about to be. We are not wise, and not very often kind. And much can never be redeemed. Still, life has some possibility left. Perhaps this is its way of fighting back, that sometimes something happens better than all the riches of power in the world. It could be anything, but very likely you notice it in the instant when love begins. Anyway, that's often the case. Anyway, whatever it is, don' be afraid of its plenty. Joy is not made to be a crumb.



Linda | 240.888.5138

On Sun, May 17, 2020 at 2:41 PM Linda Naini <> wrote:

Dear Friends,


Tonight at 6 pm ET, we will continue our exploration of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness; 1. Body or kaya, 2. Feelings or vedana, 3. Mind or chitta, and 4. All phenomena or dhammas. 


We will explore aspects of the fourth foundation. I look forward to being with you tonight for meditation, exploration of the dharma, and community.


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With love,

Linda | 240.888.5138

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