My apologies for the late email.
We'll gather in the large room on the top floor, but please check in with Kathy at the first floor reception desk before you continue upstairs. Our meeting space is unfortunately not wheelchair accessible because there is no elevator to reach the top floor.
The front door will be locked at 6:05 PM and there will be no-one to let in late arrivals, so please do your best to arrive on time. Cushions, back jacks, and folding chairs will be provided. If you are able to come 10 minutes early to help set up, we would appreciate the help.
With love,
Sangha Announcements
Monthly Dinner: Once a month, usually on the first Sunday, those who are interested gather for dinner after class. This Sunday will be the first of the month, so if you're interested in having dinner with your fellow sangha members, stick around after class.
Dharma Readings Club: The Dharma Article Group meetup meets monthly. Keep an eye out for an email announcing the next meeting.
Peer Led Classes: If you're interested in facilitating the class for an evening, please email Linda Naini <> or Devin Maroney <>. Once we've reviewed the topic with you, we can find a time for you to teach and put it on the calendar
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