Saturday, 14 December 2019

Re: [Downtown Dharma Listserve] Embodying Mindfulness: Touching the Heart of the Buddha

Unfortunately, I will not be able to join the group for at least the next couple of Sundays.  On Wednesday, I fell down the last part of a Metro escalator and had to go to the ER. Considering that I banged my head, I was very lucky that I escaped with only a few pelvic fractures. I"m staying at a friend's house now and plan to go home tomorrow. My prognosis is good, but getting around is slow, and my recovery will require a lot of patience. Trying to call on my practice for help. Climbing the stairs at Flow is not a remote possibility right now. I'm trying to take care of myself while also remembering that it's not all about me. I will miss the sangha but wanted to at least send greetings.


Joan Mooney
Member, American Society of Journalists and Authors, National Press Club

On Sat, Dec 14, 2019 at 3:50 PM Travis Spencer <> wrote:

Dear friends,

We will meet this week at Flow Yoga at 1450 P Street from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM to connect, meditate and explore the dharma. Please remember that the front door closes at 6:05 so please be on time. Our meeting space is unfortunately not wheelchair accessible. Cushions, back jacks, and a couple of folding chairs will be provided. If you are able to come early to help set up, that would be most appreciated.

Sangha, Our topic is:Embodying Mindfulness: Touching the Heart of the Buddha with guest facilitator: Iris Rivera
Iris is a graduate of Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach Teacher training program with over 15 years experience  in The shamanIc healing arts.

During our time together, we will discuss what it means to embody mindfulness to help us realize and become aware of our hearts. 
"Mindful living protects us and helps us go in the direction of peace. With the support of friends in practice, peace has a chance." Thich Nhat Hahn.

Sangha Announcements

Monthly dinner: Once a month, usually on the first Sunday, a group of Sangha members get together for dinner after class.

Monthly book club: Once per month, sangha members meet beforehand to discuss dharma readings. They will send out an email announcing the time and location so make sure you're on the list.

Seasonal Potluck:  Once per season we will have a potluck instead of a traditional class. We will meditate together before dinner and then we will eat and socialize.
The time and location will remain the same, 6:00 - 7:30 PM. The next potluck will be 12/22.

Peer Led Classes: If you're interested in facilitating the class for an evening, please reach out to the teaching team. Once we've reviewed the topic with you, we can find a time for you to teach and put it on the calendar.

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