Thursday, 14 February 2019

Your February 2019 Mission Insider Newsletter is here!

February 2019
Welcome to our Valentine's edition of Mission Insider. We are thrilled to celebrate the First Year Anniversary of our Day Center for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness. It is hard to believe that it has been a year since we opened our doors to provide much needed services to our homeless population but we are very proud to share that a year later, we have expanded the days we open to five days a week, and we continue to provide the following services to individuals experiencing homelessness: Mailing address for official documents; showers that are Handicap Accessible; laundry services; charging stations for cell phones; computers to apply for services or to look for employment; and daily meals or access to our food pantry.  Thanks to our partner N'Style we continue to provide free haircuts to homeless individuals once a month. 

We hope that everyone that receives and opens this newsletter reflects on the importance of love and helping others.
"Love and Compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive" 
Dalai Lama
Our First Year Anniversary
On the picture above our Staff with clients of our Day Center celebrating our First Anniversary.
Going Back in Time to our Opening Ceremony
Our Day Center opening ceremony welcomed the leaders of our community including the Mayor of Capitol Heights, Marnitta L. King; Chair of Prince George's County Council and Councilmember of District 3, Danielle Glaros; Councilmember District 6, Derrick Leon Davis; Councilwoman District 7, Karen Toles; Councilmember District 5, Andrea Harrison; and Outreach and Community Engagement Manager for the Department of Social Services under the Community Services Division, John Summerlot.

On the picture above Derrick Leon Davis, Danielle Glaros, Dr. Douglas Edwards, Ana Paola Bueno and Andrea Harrison.
Special Thanks
Construction of Homeless Day Center

Our Homeless Day Center could not be possible without the in-kind donation received from BUCH CONSTRUCTION.

This amazing company donated the full construction of our Homeless Day Center including the two ADA compliant showers, new water heater, plumbing and electrical work.
Thanks to Karyl Bloyer for her generous pledge to pay for a new Washer and Dryer that will be used at the New Day Center. 

We are extremely thankful for this contribution as it will allow us to help individuals experiencing homelessness do their laundry at our warehouse.
Please continue shopping using Amazon Smile and select our organization, a percentage of your purchase can be donated to the Mission of Love Charities, Inc.

Log in to and designate the Mission of Love Charities, Inc as your charity of choice. Once you have designated MOLC as your charity, every time you shop on Amazon, visit (instead of

Thank you for your support!
Mission of Love Charities | 301-333-4440 | Fax: 301-333-4317 | Email | Website
6180 Old Central Ave | Capitol Heights, MD 20743
© 2018 Mission of Love Charities, Inc.
Mission of Love Charities, Inc., 6180 Old Central Avenue, Capitol Heights, MD 20743
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