Tuesday, 26 February 2019

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Fwd: Invitation to Join "YLM" Sutta Study, Meeting in CML on Third Sunday of the Month

I wanted to share a wonderful opportunity for deeper study from our friend Hardy Cook.  One of the Sutta studies is held at the Center for Mindful Living, up in Tenleytown.

with metta,

On Tuesday, February 5, 2019 at 12:53:39 PM UTC-5, hardy.cook wrote:

Dear Friends,


There are two sutta study groups under the IMCW umbrella.


The IMCW Sutta Study Group meets on the second Tuesday of the month at Catherine Brousseau's home in Silver Spring: https://imcw.org/Calendar/Event-Calendar/EventId/3313/e/sutta-study-group-12-feb-2019 This group has been meeting for many, many years.


More recently, another sutta study began meeting at the CML on the third Sunday of the month from 4:00 to 6:00. This group was started with graduates from Jonathan Foust's Year of Living Mindfully program but is now open to anyone with an interest in sutta study. The facilitator is Hardy Cook (bio attached). 


This group started with a presentation of background materials that are available on Hardy Cook's personal cloud (links provided). The group is currently completing its examination of the Sutta Nipata and in particular the fourth chapter of the Sutta Nipata, The Aṭṭhakavagga, or "Book of Eights," which is believed to be among the earliest of Buddhist texts and in which the Buddha's teachings are pared down to their most uncomplicated essence. Next, the group will be studying selected suttas from across the entire Pali Canon that illustrate important teachings of the Buddha. In many cases, multiple translations arranged in a tabular format will be provided. 


If you or anyone you know is interested, please contact Hardy Cook at hardy.cook@gmail.com.


With metta,

Hardy M. Cook, Ph.D.  

Professor Emeritus 

Bowie State University 

hardy.cook@gmail.com (Private) 




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Friday, 22 February 2019

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] 💌The Dharma by way of Rumi: Sunday @ The Potter's House @ 6 pm💌

Don't go off sightseeing. The real journey is right here.

The great excursion starts from exactly where you are.



Dear Friends,


One of the most powerful teachings for me has been to lean in and be with what is here and now. I diverge from this simple yet powerful teaching more often than I like to admit. My love of reading Rumi seems to always bring me back to remembering the freedom that arises from being with this life, breath, and body just as it is. This Sunday, February 24, from 6-7:30 pm, we will meditate, read some Rumi, and share in community at the Potter's House.  


The meeting space is wheelchair accessible. Chairs will be available, and please feel free to bring your own sitting gear if you prefer. 


I look forward to being with you,


lindanaini.com | 240.888.5138

Read More :- "[Downtown Dharma Listserve] 💌The Dharma by way of Rumi: Sunday @ The Potter's House @ 6 pm💌"

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Artistic submissions sought -- depicting "the reality of the unseen"

Dear all,

My friend Emily Larned is an amazing artist whose original handmade books are widely exhibited and collected by institutions like MoMA, the Tate, the V&A, the Getty and the Smithsonian.  

She's also an avid dharma practitioner, and is bringing this together with art and looking for submissions below for a new piece she's working on.  See below for details -- please consider submitting as a way to explore creativity and deepen your practice!



Seeing "The Reality of the Unseen" *

How does "insight into the true nature of reality" appear to you? 

First-hand accounts of Vipassana meditation in words and/or pictures are sought for publication in an anthology zine. What images, processes, visualizations describe what you experience while meditating?

Zen and Tibetan meditation both have long, rich, well-known traditions of visual and written art forms associated with their practice: poetry, koans, brush paintings, mandalas. In conversation with other insight meditators, many have described vivid visualizations of what is happening within. What is yours? 

_ text can be pasted into the body of an email (no minimum, 500 word max)
_ text can be handwritten, and scanned at 300dpi, or photographed hi-res (the zine measures 5x7 inches, a double page spread 10x7 inches)
_ original drawings / collages / images may be scanned at 300dpi, or photographed hi-res (the zine measures 5x7 inches, a double page spread 10x7 inches)

Submissions may be edited for clarity or fit.
Everyone who is published in the zine will receive a contributor's copy in the mail. 
Please include your mailing address with your email submission.

Freely forward this call for submissions to any Vipassana meditators you know who might enjoy participating.

Deadline: May 1, 2019

Learn more about my work at emilylarned.com and impractical-labor.org

* Willam James, The Varieties of Religious Experience

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Friday, 15 February 2019

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Intuition: This Sunday At the Potter's House (Peer-led Meditation)

Hi friends,

In the past, I have often heard myself describe a problem I had in my life, what I thought the solution was, but then describe the many reasons why - the one thing that I knew would help me  - just wasn't possible. As I've paid attention to this pattern, I've noticed many people doing the exact same thing!

What exactly is that?

You are invited to join me where we will meditate and explore this notion of trusting your self, what things might get in the way of that, and learn from your peers as we explore this topic together. This talk will be held from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM, including a stretching, meditation, short talk, and then a group-discussion. Kristin, I believe, will also be in attendance.

It will be fun! Join us.

With love and intuition,

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Thursday, 14 February 2019

Your February 2019 Mission Insider Newsletter is here!

February 2019
Welcome to our Valentine's edition of Mission Insider. We are thrilled to celebrate the First Year Anniversary of our Day Center for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness. It is hard to believe that it has been a year since we opened our doors to provide much needed services to our homeless population but we are very proud to share that a year later, we have expanded the days we open to five days a week, and we continue to provide the following services to individuals experiencing homelessness: Mailing address for official documents; showers that are Handicap Accessible; laundry services; charging stations for cell phones; computers to apply for services or to look for employment; and daily meals or access to our food pantry.  Thanks to our partner N'Style we continue to provide free haircuts to homeless individuals once a month. 

We hope that everyone that receives and opens this newsletter reflects on the importance of love and helping others.
"Love and Compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive" 
Dalai Lama
Our First Year Anniversary
On the picture above our Staff with clients of our Day Center celebrating our First Anniversary.
Going Back in Time to our Opening Ceremony
Our Day Center opening ceremony welcomed the leaders of our community including the Mayor of Capitol Heights, Marnitta L. King; Chair of Prince George's County Council and Councilmember of District 3, Danielle Glaros; Councilmember District 6, Derrick Leon Davis; Councilwoman District 7, Karen Toles; Councilmember District 5, Andrea Harrison; and Outreach and Community Engagement Manager for the Department of Social Services under the Community Services Division, John Summerlot.

On the picture above Derrick Leon Davis, Danielle Glaros, Dr. Douglas Edwards, Ana Paola Bueno and Andrea Harrison.
Special Thanks
Construction of Homeless Day Center

Our Homeless Day Center could not be possible without the in-kind donation received from BUCH CONSTRUCTION.

This amazing company donated the full construction of our Homeless Day Center including the two ADA compliant showers, new water heater, plumbing and electrical work.
Thanks to Karyl Bloyer for her generous pledge to pay for a new Washer and Dryer that will be used at the New Day Center. 

We are extremely thankful for this contribution as it will allow us to help individuals experiencing homelessness do their laundry at our warehouse.
Please continue shopping using Amazon Smile and select our organization, a percentage of your purchase can be donated to the Mission of Love Charities, Inc.

Log in to smile.amazon.com and designate the Mission of Love Charities, Inc as your charity of choice. Once you have designated MOLC as your charity, every time you shop on Amazon, visit smile.amazon.com (instead of amazon.com).

Thank you for your support!
Mission of Love Charities | 301-333-4440 | Fax: 301-333-4317 | Email | Website
6180 Old Central Ave | Capitol Heights, MD 20743
© 2018 Mission of Love Charities, Inc.
Mission of Love Charities, Inc., 6180 Old Central Avenue, Capitol Heights, MD 20743
Sent by abueno@molc-inc.org in collaboration with
Constant Contact
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Friday, 8 February 2019

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] 🏠 Aspiration: This Sunday @ The Potter's House @ 6 pm 🏠

"Fear is the cheapest room in the house.
I would like to see you living in better conditions."

Hi Sangha! :)


I look forward to our gathering at the Potter's House this Sunday, February 10 from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm.


Our topic will be opening to possibility/aspiration using the teachings of the dharma. We will have our regular meditation period, dharma talk, sharing and listening in community, and a short inquiry with a take home reminder.


The meeting space is wheelchair accessible. Chairs will be available, and please feel free to bring your own sitting gear if you prefer. 


With love,


lindanaini.com | 240.888.5138

Read More :- "[Downtown Dharma Listserve] 🏠 Aspiration: This Sunday @ The Potter's House @ 6 pm 🏠"

Monday, 4 February 2019

[dcphp-dev] [JOB] Mid to Senior PHP Developer

Hi All, 

I'm an old timer from NY-PHP and have been working for MADCAD.com for quite a while now.
As MADCAD.com is growing, I wanted to reach out and see if there are any fellow DC-PHPers who would be interested in a full time mid-level to senior PHP developer position right in Washigton, DC. 

Here's a short description I can provide and you're welcome to reach out if it would interest you at all:

- Design, code, test and deploy software in PHP; both supporting our current legacy code bases as well as our newer API based infrastructure.
- Contribute to the design, development, refactoring, and/or maintenance of code.
- Lead junior developers as well as our front end team that mainly employs Angular.
- Write well-structured, maintainable, tested code that is free of bugs.
- Actively participate in team meetings through idea sharing, brainstorming and collaborative problem solving.
- Provide updates and improvements to legacy code.
- Perform security updates.

Our stack components are PHP, Javascript, MySQL, SOLR, Python, MemCache and Elastic Search. 
Having experience with Slim/Laravel/Yii, etc would be nice. Working knowledge of Git, Linux command line and shell scripting and
5+ years of project experience expected. 

You can either contact me directly or send your resume to it@madcad.com 


Kerem Tuzemen

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Friday, 1 February 2019

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Curiosity: This Sunday @ The Potter's House

Hi friends,

When I was a kid, I spent a lot of time on my own, staring off into space lost in thought. I remember that one day I was staring at the sidewalk for a while, I stopped daydreaming for long enough to become aware that there was an ant crawling in front of me. I tracked the ant as it meandered and I saw another ant cross its path. "Two ants! What are the chances?" I thought. Then I looked around and realized that there were many tiny ants going in different directions in the little grooves in the pavement. "How didn't I notice them before?" I thought.  Sometime later I was looking at the sidewalk again and I remember thinking, "Are there ants here too?" At first it seemed like there weren't, but then I let my eyes rest for a few moments, and, as if from nothing, they appeared again. 

Even recalling this story now, I can sense the thrill and interest in discovering the hidden world of ants that seemed to appear whenever I remembered to look for it in the right way.
Does this sound familiar? According to the Buddha's teachings as recorded in the Pali Canon, these three factors - awareness, investigation, and the energy of being interested – are the first three factors that arise in the awakening process (four others follow), and they are the ones that we can intentionally cultivate. I suspect that almost everyone has experienced these three states at various points in their life, and when we meditate in this tradition, we are making this process intentional. Instead of following the ants, we turn our awareness, curiosity, and interest to the subtleties of the mindstream – it's logic and it's patterns – and the rest of the awakening process unfolds naturally.

You are invited to meet at the Potter's House to do just this. From 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM we will meditate and explore the dharma, paying particular attention to the qualities of awareness, investigation, and energy.  The Potter's House is located at 1658 Columbia Rd. NW. We will meet in the Community Room in the back. The space is wheelchair accessible. Chairs and some meditation cushions will be available, but please feel free to bring your own sitting gear if you would prefer. The class is offered freely and is supported by donations. 

After class, some of the sangha members like to go out to dinner together, and all are welcome to join.

With love,


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Read More :- "[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Curiosity: This Sunday @ The Potter's House"