Monday, 9 July 2018

Re: [Downtown Dharma Listserve] Meditation under the microscope

It's funny. I was taught that there is no "self" beyond this body/mind. From that perspective, self care consists of eat when I'm hungry and sleep when I'm tired.

When I create a conceptual "self" in addition to, and separate from, this "mind/body self", then this conceptual self creates and seeks concepts that hinder the simple and joyous functioning of this "mind/body self".

I was taught that a big part of my cultivation/practice is to observe which 'self/I" is runnin' the show.

Easier said than done.

On Monday, July 9, 2018 at 7:04:40 PM UTC-4, walkerla wrote:
Very interesting article. 
Meditation is sold as a form of "self care," like massage or journaling or what have you. It's paradoxical!
I've often felt squeamish reading about corporations and schools using "mindfulness " techniques. It sometimes seems like Buddhist teachings with the life blood sucked out of them.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 9, 2018, at 5:27 PM, sam <> wrote:

Your welcome, Joan. Thank you for your reply.

On Monday, July 9, 2018 at 5:16:53 PM UTC-4, Joan wrote:
Absolutely. And often missed in the talks and readings I've heard and read.  Makes the whole thing a lot more challenging, of course.   Thanks  for sending.,

Joan Mooney
Member, American Society of Journalists and Authors, National Press Club

On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 11:36 AM sam <> wrote:
An interesting read.

Here's an excerpt:

In The Buddha Pill, Farias and Wikholm write:

[We] haven't stopped believing in meditation's ability to fuel change but [we are] concerned that the science of meditation is promoting a skewed view: meditation wasn't developed so we could lead less stressful lives or improve our wellbeing. Its primary purpose was more radical – to rupture your idea of who you are; to shake to the core your sense of self so that you realise there is 'nothing there'. But that's not how we see meditation courses promoted in the West. Here, meditation has been revamped as a natural pill that will quieten your mind and make you happier.

Here's the full article:

Enjoy. Or not.


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