Dear Downtown Dharma Sangha,
We'll meet this Sunday, March 11, 2018, 6-7:30 pm, in the Community Room at the Potter's House in Adams Morgan. The address is 1658 Columbia Rd NW, Washington, DC 20009 (wheelchair accessible). If you are able to bring your own cushion, please do. We will also have chairs available. If you're able to help set up, please arrive five to ten minutes early.
This is the second week of exploring Loving-Kindness, one of the four Divine Abodes (Brahmaviharas), which also include compassion (karuna), sympathetic joy (mudita), and equanimity (upekkha).
Also, two announcements:
- The March for our Lives to end gun violence in schools will take place 3/24/18. Sangha members who want to march together will be meeting up after this Sunday's class.
- This Sunday's class will be my second-to-last time teaching as an official member of the core teaching crew with Krisin, Devin, and Linda. This is due to increasing work demands--a good thing as a self-employed person! My final class will be May 6th. I'm so heartened by how the sangha has strengthened and grown, and I feel happy seeing it continue to do so.
Kind regards,
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