Monday, 30 July 2012

[Mission of Love] Fwd: August 2012 Trainings - from the Office of Community Relations

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From: Eubanks, Musa L. <>
Date: Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 12:53 PM
Subject: Fw: August 2012 Trainings
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Musa L. Eubanks
Office of Community Relations

From: Maryland Nonprofits []
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 12:36 PM
To: Eubanks, Musa L.
Subject: August 2012 Trainings

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How to Start a Nonprofit: Planning and Preparation Webinar
11:00 am - 12:30 pm on 8/1/2012
Harnessing the Power of LinkedIn for Outreach, Networking, and Prospecting
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm on 8/7/2012
Loyola University Maryland Graduate Center
Intro to the Standards for Excellence® Webinar
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm on 8/8/2012   
Board Orientations and Handbooks
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm on 8/8/2012
Silver Spring Office
Special Events That Rock
9:30 am - 12:30 pm on 8/9/12
Baltimore Office
Standards for Excellence® Tier One Essentials Webinar
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm on 8/22/2012
Streamlining Your Marketing Through Content Strategy
10:00 am - 12:00 pm on 8/23/2012
Silver Spring Office
Download the Training Calendar
Download the Training Registration Form

Special Events That Rock - Thursday, August 9th
David Drake, Director of Development, Maryland SPCA and Fundraising/Communications Consultant

How do your special events measure up? Are you getting the most "bang for your buck"?  This session will help you learn how to design events that both raise money and reinforce your mission.  Special events are huge undertaking for nonprofit organizations.  Some organizations launch into them expecting to raise big dollars, and come away finding that expenses spiraled out of control, staff are exhausted, and volunteers are discouraged.  This session will help you head of these frustrations by setting the expectations for your event first, and by tying the event to your mission, making it a really special event that helps bring your supporters closer to you.
9:30 am - 12:30 pm on 8/9/12
Maryland Nonprofits Baltimore Office 
Fee: $100 (discounted rate for members $50)
Download Printable Registration Form
How to Start a Nonprofit: Planning and Preparation Webinar
Dr. Tracey L. Durant, Director of Professional Development, Maryland Nonprofits

If you are contemplating creating a nonprofit organization, a little homework could save you a lot of time and aggravation. Is starting a nonprofit even the best option for what you're trying to accomplish? What all would it entail? Find out what "tax-exempt nonprofit" means, both practically and legally, and what this status will afford an organization. This webinar will clearly present the key steps required in order to establish a viable organization for IRS consideration of 501(c)(3) tax-exemption.  After taking the webinar, if you decide to move forward with forming a nonprofit, you may also want to take "Forming a Nonprofit: The Paperwork."
11:00 am - 12:30 pm on 8/1/2012 (Register by July 31)

Fee: $25    
Download Printable Registration Form
Harnessing the Power of LinkedIn for Outreach, Networking, and Prospecting
Colleen McKenna, Intero Advisory, LLC

How can nonprofit organizations and nonprofit professionals use LinkedIn to its fullest potential?  Not only can this social media tool be a way to optimize our individual profiles, but also a way to showcase the mission, work, and brand of our organizations. This session will focus on the differences between individual profiles, company pages, and groups and how you can use LinkedIn to build a strategic network and reach out to potential members, volunteers, and donors.
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm on 8/7/2012
Loyola University Maryland Graduate Center

(2034 Greenspring Dr., Lutherville-Timonium, MD)
Fee: $100 per person (discounted rate for members $50)
Download Printable Registration Form

Intro to the Standards for Excellence® Webinar
Melissa Sines, Standards for Excellence® Certification Manager, Maryland Nonprofits

Learn what Maryland Nonprofits' Standards for Excellence: An Ethics and Accountability Code for the Nonprofit Sector® is all about.  This webinar will provide an overview of the guiding principles and the specific standards and benchmarks addressed in this nationally recognized model and is appropriate for organizations who are brand new to the Standards. This webinar will focus on how the Standards can be used to implement change within your organization; what resources are available to support your efforts; and, how your organization can go about earning the Seal of Excellence®  or one of the tiered levels.
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm on 8/8/2012    

Fee: FREE (Register by August 7)
Download Printable Registration Form

Board Orientations and Handbooks
Mara Winters, Director of Special Projects, Maryland Nonprofits

You have invited all the right people to be on your board for the right reasons and they have said, "YES."  Now what?  How do you get them up to speed, productive, and engaged as quickly as possible?  A big part of the answer is orientation.  Don't assume because a new board member has previous experience on a board that anyone explained to them what their job is and sometimes more importantly, what it is not. Many challenges of boards (poor attendance, lack of interest, no participation in fundraising, no follow-through on projects) can be avoided by appropriately orienting board members and giving them the tools they need to be great board members. This half-day session will cover board job descriptions and expectations, the best timing for orientation, which structure will work best for different organizations, how to involve existing board members, and the creation and use of board member handbooks. This program is most appropriate for board members and staff that support board operations.  Participants will leave with handouts and outlines that can be incorporated into your orientation programs and handbook. Meets the Maryland Nonprofits' Director's and Officer's Insurance Program annual requirement for risk management training.
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm on 8/8/2012
Maryland Nonprofits Silver Spring Office

Fee: $100 per person (discounted rate for members
Download Printable Registration Form

Standards for Excellence® Tier One Essentials Webinar
Melissa Sines, Standards for Excellence® Certification Manager, Maryland Nonprofits

This webinar focuses on Standards for Excellence: An Ethics and Accountability Code for the Nonprofit Sector® and is specifically geared toward organizations who are working on their Tier One: Essentials application. We will provide an overview of the guiding principles and the specific standards and benchmarks addressed in this nationally recognized model.  This webinar will focus on an organizational self-assessment; what resources are available to support your efforts; and, finally, answer any application-specific questions you may have. This webinar is designed for audiences throughout the United States.
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm on 8/22/2012    

Fee: FREE (Register by August 21)
Download Printable Registration Form

Streamlining Your Marketing Through Content Strategy
Greg Kihlstrom, Carousel30

Websites, email marketing, social media, press releases, PSAs, and direct mail are just a few of the many ways that nonprofits communicate with their audiences. Yet many nonprofits have challenges keeping up with all the different communication channels and tactics that are critical to the organization.  How can you reduce staff time and increase effectiveness of communications?  This training session will help you develop a unified strategy around which all content is created, managed, and shared with an organization's target audiences (members, beneficiaries, supporters, media, and the general public).  This content might consist of written communications, photos and other media, as well as conversations on social media communication channels.  Participants will leave the session with a clear set of steps to create an effective content strategy for their organization that is flexible enough for all types and sizes of nonprofits.  This session is appropriate for nonprofit staff, volunteers or board members who manage marketing.
10:00 am - 12:00 pm on 8/23/2012
Maryland Nonprofits Silver Spring Office

Fee: $80 per person (discounted rate for members $40)
Download Printable Registration Form

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Sheri Betts
Acting Executive Director
Mission of Love Charities, Inc.
6180 Old Central Avenue
Capitol Heights MD 20743
Wk: 301-333-4440
Fax: 301-333-4317

MOLC is a nonprofit health and human services organization dedicated to meeting the immediate basic human needs of underprivileged and impoverished citizens throughout the Washington region. MOLC provides programs and services designed for short-term stability and equips individuals with skills necessary for long-term stability and growth.

Mission of Love Charities, Inc.
6180 Old Central Avenue, Capitol Heights, MD 20743 • 301-333-4440
#8002 #79375


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