Leslie W. Graves
Director, Community Affairs
Office of the State's Attorney
for Prince George's County
desk: (301) 952-2705
cell: (202) 359-5438
From: Denise Robinson <drobinson@molc-inc.org>
Date: Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 10:19 AM
Subject: Fwd: Race Relations and the Public Safety Community
From: Eggleston, Geraldine <GEggleston@house.state.md.us>
Date: Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 2:20 PM
Subject: Race Relations and the Public Safety Community
To: "Eggleston, Geraldine" <GEggleston@house.state.md.us>
From: Howard, Carolyn Delegate
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 1:38 PM
To: Eggleston, Geraldine
Subject: FW: Race Relations and the Public Safety Community
Importance: High
From: Graves, Leslie W. [LWGraves@co.pg.md.us]
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 3:29 PM
To: AngelaAlsobrooks
Cc: Graves, Leslie W.; Erzen, John E.
Subject: Race Relations and the Public Safety Community
I would like to invite you to attend a panel discussion I am hosting on, "Race Relations and the Public Safety Community" on Thursday, April 26th from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Charles Herbert Flowers High School.
In the wake of the Trayvon Martin case in Florida, I think we have an opportunity to address an issue that has long been a challenge in our county. I have heard from our constituents loud and clear and I am very concerned about the divide that sometimes exists between our public safety team and those we serve. I know we must close this gap, but we cannot succeed without transparency and an honest dialogue with our residents.
I will be joined on this panel by Police Chief Mark Magaw, Deputy Police Chief Craig Howard, Delegate Joseline Pena-Melnyk, Berwyn Heights Mayor Cheye Calvo, Reverend Tony Lee and a representative from the Sheriff's Office. Michael Higginbotham, Dean of the University of Baltimore's School of Law, has agreed to moderate this panel. In addition to his teaching in the area of race and the law, he has published several books and numerous articles concerning this same subject matter. I believe his expertise in this area will allow him to ask poignant questions and lead a spirited discussion that will begin the process of addressing the issues we face.
This event will be the kickoff to a series of smaller listening sessions we are going to host across the county in the coming months. The attached flyer has all the details for this great event. I look forward to seeing you on April 26th.
Thank you.
Angela Alsobrooks
Leslie W. Graves
Director, Community Affairs
Office of the State's Attorney
for Prince George's County
desk: (301) 952-2705
cell: (202) 359-5438
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Office Manager
Mission of Love Charities Inc.
Office: (301) 333-4440 ext. 402
Fax: (301) 333-4317
E-mail: Drobinson@molc-inc.org
MOLC is a nonprofit health and human services organization dedicated to meeting the immediate basic human needs of underprivileged and impoverished citizens throughout the Washington region. MOLC provides programs and services designed for short-term stability and equips individuals with skills necessary for long-term stability and growth. Mission of Love Charities, Inc. 6180 Old Central Avenue, Capitol Heights, MD 20743 • 301-333-4440 www.molcinc.org |
Sheri Betts
Youth Development/Life Skills Program Director
Mission of Love Charities, Inc.
6180 Old Central Avenue
Capitol Heights MD 20743
Wk: 301-333-4440
Fax: 301-333-4317
Website: www.MOLCinc.org
MOLC is a nonprofit health and human services organization dedicated to meeting the immediate basic human needs of underprivileged and impoverished citizens throughout the Washington region. MOLC provides programs and services designed for short-term stability and equips individuals with skills necessary for long-term stability and growth. Mission of Love Charities, Inc. 6180 Old Central Avenue, Capitol Heights, MD 20743 • 301-333-4440 www.molcinc.org |
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