Friday, 26 February 2021

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] This Week

Dear friends,

We will meet this Sunday from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM to meditate, explore the dharma, and connect with each other. The link is below.

Many words are used to describe the process of psychic change that occurs on our spiritual journey, like unfolding, uprooting, purification and transformation. This week, I'll invite you to explore how we conceptualize and experience our spiritual journeys. 

With love,


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 466 237 117
Password: 546447

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[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Recorded Talk from last Sunday

Greetings Dear Community,

It was lovely to be with you last week. Several of you inquired about accessing the recording of the talk I gave, "The First Glint of Awakening" on mindfulness of mental/emotional states. The folks at IMCW have captured the recording and uploaded it to YouTube. Unfortunately, my microphone was scratching against my jacket throughout the talk with a rather unpleasant effect. Sorry about that! I'll try to prevent that in the future.

If you're interested, you can access the talk here:

For privacy reasons, our rich and revealing conversation afterwards is not included.  

With appreciation,

Kristin Barker
Director and Co-Founder, One Earth Sangha
Pronouns she, her and hers; on traditional land of the Nacotchtank, Piscataway and Pamunkey.

No mud, no lotus. 

  — Thích Nhất Hạnh

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Sunday, 21 February 2021

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] This Evening's Sangha: The First Glint of Awakening

Greetings Dear Community,

First, a little scheduling confusion on my part so this message is coming out a bit late. But we will be having Sangha tonight at 7 pm as usual.

After practicing together, we'll be exploring what might be the most fundamental, distinctive and revolutionary practice in the Buddhist wisdom tradition: the seemingly tiny act of noticing suffering underway in our own minds. Foundational to the Path, we'll explore just how much agency we can reclaim in our lives by cultivating a practice of catching and responding to this universal human experience.

I look forward to joining with you in Sangha.


Start time: Sunday, 7:00 PM US Eastern Time - Click here to join the zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 466 237 117
Passcode: 546447
Join by phone: (646) 876 9923 US (New York) or find your local number

Kristin Barker
Director and Co-Founder, One Earth Sangha
Pronouns she, her and hers; on traditional land of the Nacotchtank, Piscataway and Pamunkey.

No mud, no lotus. 

  — Thích Nhất Hạnh

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[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Class tonight?

I assume we have a sangha meeting tonight?  Are we still on the 7 pm schedule? Have I sent the email to the right listserv?


Joan Mooney
Member, American Society of Journalists and Authors, National Press Club

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Monday, 15 February 2021


Vast letter,

This is Aiken Radich
I need your confidence to discuss a vast business details with
Because I have sent several mails to you without reply,
We shall discuss in detail upon your response.


Aiken Radich Dp
Read More :- "VAST LETTER TG"

Saturday, 13 February 2021

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Sunday @ 7 PM ET

Dear friends,


I look forward to being with you tomorrow night. Our topic will be the eight worldly winds (Pleasure & Pain, Gain & Loss, Praise & Blame, Fame & Disrepute).


This Sunday's class will be my last as an official member of the downtown dharma sangha core teaching team. It's been an honor to be a part of this dynamic community for the past 3+ years. If you'd like to stay in touch or know of my other classes, please check out my website


Much love,


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 466 237 117
Password: 546447


One tap mobile
+16468769923,,466237117# US (New York) | 240.888.5138

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Friday, 12 February 2021

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Sangha Survey

Hi friends,

I sure do miss getting to sit with you in-person. It feels like a deep loss. Yet even in the times of separation, I find that the dharma provides an unshakable refuge. 

When the Buddha's closest disciples Sariputta and Moggallana died, the Buddha said that the sangha felt empty without them, yet he also encouraged the monks to search within themselves for the the noble qualities that those two disciples had embodied.The beauty of this path is that even in times of separation and loss we can still cultivate noble and wholesome qualities of mind and heart, and in doing so connect ourselves to a timeless tradition of love and wisdom. 

The world keeps shifting and changing and it is our hope that this Sangha can evolve in such a way that it continues to meet our needs and direct us back to that which really matters. Please take a few minutes to answer the questions on this survey and let us know how we can maintain and improve our community. We would also like to express our gratitude to Benjamin for putting this together. 

With love,


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Wednesday, 3 February 2021

MOLC - Now Offering New Job Training Programs

Dear Friend and Supporter,

We are excited to announce several new job training programs:

Employee Readiness Boot Camp

Tuesday, February 09, 2021 - Thursday, March 11, 2021
10:00 AM - 11:15 AM

For additional information and to register visit:

Cost: $25

Meetings 101

Tuesday, February 09, 2021 - Thursday, March 18, 2021
10:00 AM - 10:50 AM

For additional information and to register visit:

Cost: Free

Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) and Geriatric Nursing Assistant Training Program (GNA).

Tuesday, March 02, 2021
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

For additional information and to register visit:

Cost: Free

Please forward this message to anyone you think might be interested.

The Mission of Love Charities continues to serve the neediest people in our community. Visit our website to learn more.

Deborah Martinez
Mission of Love Charities |
Read More :- "MOLC - Now Offering New Job Training Programs"

[Downtown Dharma Listserve] Community-organized retreat this Saturday & Sunday

Hi everyone!

This Saturday and Sunday (2/6 and 2/7), there will be a retreat that was co-created and will be co-facilitated by members of the Sangha. The theme of this retreat is "Unity and Community."

I am emailing you to invite you to take part in the retreat. It starts on Saturday AM and runs through Sunday evening with breaks scattered throughout. Those of us that are facilitating the retreat encourage everyone to join - even if you can only make it for one session.

For a full schedule, please click here. The retreat will include a mix of silent meditation, walking meditation, discussions, and other mindful activities. 

Note: the schedule above contains the one Zoom link that we will be using throughout the weekend. I wanted to go ahead and also include the link in this email as well in case that makes things easier for anyone. Here is the link. Password: unity.

Please reach out with any questions. Thanks, and hope to see you this weekend!



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