Thanks for the warm welcome to the sangha!
For those of you we haven't met yet, Linda and I will be playing the role of "coordinating teachers", meaning that we will be the point of contact on things like the schedule, space, new members and other administrative issues that might arise. You can email us at and
We had the chance to meet some of the sangha in person at the sitting on Nov 19th. There was a general consensus in the group on the need to have a clear schedule for next year (including thematic topics), opportunities for peer-led classes, and a name that would fit the group now that it's leaving DuPont.
Based on the sangha's suggestions, the topics covered in this email include:
1. Teaching & topic schedule
2. Peer-led sits
3. Sangha Name
Teaching & Topic Schedule: As requested, we've created a teaching schedule that also includes the topic for each evening. The topics are arranged thematically. We thought it might be nice to begin the new year with a refuge ceremony and then proceed to the four foundations of mindfulness (two weeks for each foundation) and then the 8-fold path (two weeks for each fold). The schedule is pasted at the bottom of this email. Please let us know if you have any thoughts on this.
Peer-led Sits: Based on the input we've received so far, we drafted a schedule for the first part of 2018 that includes a recurring peer-led sitting, the third week of every month. If you are interested in leading, please email us to let us know. It will be your responsibility to prepare a brief talk or activity that explores the topic for the week. New to teaching? No worries! The same topic will be covered in the week prior, so you can always build off of that or reach out to us for suggestions. It will also be your responsibility to find a replacement should you need to cancel. We cannot guarantee that someone will be able to cover for you.
Sangha Name: The group is currently called the DuPont Sangha, but starting next year we will no longer be in DuPont, so the time has come for a name change. Please send us your ideas! (Examples: "Downtown Dharma," "AdMo Dharma," "Sitting on Sundays.") We will vote on a new name at the 12/17 sit.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to Linda or me if you have suggestions or ideas.
Devin and Linda
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