Tuesday 15 October 2024

[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] FREE Daylong Meditation Retreat on Compassion THIS Sat in DC

Dear friends,

Please join longtime meditation instructor, Robert Rhyne and Insight Dialogue facilitator-in-training, Ben Lasso for a daylong exploration of the second Brahma Vihara, Compassion, this Sat, Oct 19th, at the Washington Buddhist Vihara.

The gathering will engage a healthy mix of silent sits, guided meditations, Dhamma talks, indoor and outdoor walking periods, and Insight Dialogue practice.

Whole day attendance is preferred, but if your schedule doesn't allow, please feel free to come for half, or even a portion of the day.

A potluck lunch will be enjoyed together in silence, so please bring a dish.

Registration link below:

Much love,
brian, robert, and ben

"What we are looking for is what is looking."
― St. Francis of Assisi
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Sunday 13 October 2024

[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] Tonight: The Power and Practice of Kindness

Greetings Dear Sangha,

Core to the Buddha's teachings is the practice of loving kindness, the cultivation of kind regard to all that we meet, internally and externally. We are growing a habit of kind regard. Yet this is not squishy stuff and we're not paving the way for others to walk all over us. On the contrary, under the right circumstances, true kindness can manifest as fierce power. Our developmental path necessarily includes an understanding of the theory and practice of Metta or loving kindness and its role in responding to suffering.

I hope you can join us this evening from 7 to 8:30pm for the development of our practice, wisdom, and community.
With love and gratitude,

kristin barker
Pronouns she, her and hers; on occupied land of the Piscataway.

No mud, no lotus. 

  — Thích Nhất Hạnh

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Friday 11 October 2024

[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] Fwd: [livingmindfully] IN PERSON Talk & Meditation in DC THIS SAT @ 1030 AM

Hi friends!

Sharing an in-person meditation, talk, and mindful movement tomorrow in Tenleytown with Bob Stout and Mark McKay from 10:30 AM to noon. We would love to see you all there! You can find full details at: https://tockify.com/cmldc/detail/670/1728743400000.

These Saturday in-person classes will continue for the remainder of fall, with the following teacher schedule: 
  • Oct 12 - Bob Stout & Mark McKay
  • Oct 19 - Kate Symes
  • Oct 26 - NO CLASS
  • Nov 2 - Mark McKay
  • Nov 9 - Catherine Flanagan
  • Nov 16 - Sam Cooper 
  • Nov 23 - Michele Bledsoe
  • Nov 30 - NO CLASS
  • Dec 7 - Regina Flanigan
  • Dec 14 - Marina Colby
  • Dec 21 - TBD
Would be lovely to see some of you there! You are more than welcome to email info@living-mindfully.org with any questions. 


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Robert Stout <bobbyleestout@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 8, 2024 at 6:01 PM
Subject: [livingmindfully] IN PERSON Talk & Meditation in DC THIS SAT @ 1030 AM
To: CML Friends <livingmindfully@googlegroups.com>
Cc: markcmckay@gmail.com <markcmckay@gmail.com>, emily best <mybeste92@gmail.com>, sharon bauer <sharonbauer29@hotmail.com>

Dear Center for Mindful Living Friends, 

I hope you can join us for an in person class with mindfulness meditation, a talk, mindful movement and group sharing in Tenleytown, DC this Saturday at 10:30 a.m.

I expect many of you may know me from my role over the years as a member of the CML community, and more recently as a teacher following my certification under the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program (MMTCP) led by Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield. 

I am privileged to be co-teaching on Saturday with fellow CML teacher Mark McKay. Mark's many talents include singing and songwriting as well as teaching and guiding meditations, including a weekly online sit focused on mindfulness of sound. 

I am likewise grateful that our friend Emily Best has graciously volunteered to lead us in some mindful movement and also to help with setup of the class.

I plan to talk about how I have been influenced and affected by the profound and deeply practical teachings of Ajahn Chah, and to engage you in a dialogue with other participants on their implications for our meditation practice and our daily lives. Ajahn Chah was a Buddhist monk in the Thai Forest tradition and revered teacher to many including Jack Kornfield and Ajahn Sumedho. 

The doors will open for the session at 10 a.m. (Please note that they will close at 10:50 a.m. for privacy and security)

If you wish to give one-time Dana for the class,  you can visit:  https://living-mindfully.org/donate

I hope to see you there and then!

With love, 

Bob Stout 

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[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] Re: Downtown Dharma Reading Group: Sat 10/26 - Elections & Engaged Buddhism

Happy Friday!

If you're interested in the reading group, spots are still open -- sign up here.

I've also added readings:
* Selections from The Engaged Buddhist Reader (Selections are now scanned and available in Dropbox here. Read whichever chapters you want.)

With metta,

On Sat, Oct 5, 2024 at 6:37 AM Ava Morgenstern <ava.morgenstern@gmail.com> wrote:
A reminder we still have spaces! You can sign up in the RSVP sheet linked below.

On Sat, Sep 28, 2024 at 8:22 AM Ava Morgenstern <ava.morgenstern@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Downtown Dharma will host its next reading group and vegetarian potluck, on Sat 10/26 at 6:30pm at Kaila's home in Petworth (exact address to be shared with attendees). I will facilitate. The topic is election anxiety, engaged Buddhism, and our meditation practices and political action during election season.

ACTION NEEDED: Space is limited. If you'd like to attend, please RSVP here. If attendance is full, please put your name on the waitlist as we may get cancellations.


I'd like to hold this pre-election session to discuss how we're navigating election season and taking political action, in light of our practices and the dharma.

* Selections from The Engaged Buddhist Reader (selections TBD; either you can get the book, or I will scan the chapters and email to attendees later)

If you have any questions about the topic/readings, please email me.

ACCESSIBILITY INFO: The location is near the Petworth metro stop and up 10 stairs. There are no pets. If you have any other accessibility questions, please contact the host, Kaila at kailaaphilo@gmail.com.

Hope to see you there!

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Thursday 10 October 2024

[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] Art build tonight for Oct 22 interfaith climate vigil

Dearest Sangha,

Wishing you well in these turbulent times - and mindfully holding the knowledge that many people today are not safe, not healthy, not happy or at peace. The circumstances that give rise to today's events have been unfolding for a long time. In regards to Hurricanes Helene and Milton, we are harvesting the fruits of climate change. That's why I'm inviting you to join me Oct 22 for an interfaith vigil demanding that the US pay our fair share for climate mitigation and healing at COP 29. 

Representatives are already coming from the Presbyterian Mission Agency, Maryknoll Office for Global Concern, Mennonite Central Committee, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism…and Downtown Dharma? :) 

Interfaith Vigil for COP 29
Tuesday, October 22 at 11:30 am
Registration for event: https://forms.gle/AMTE5aGLNjX3gMfDA

Wanna make your voice heard? Join us tonight to make posters and creative banners. Art supplies includes! No experience necessary. 

Art Build 
Thursday, October 10 at 6:00-8:00 pm
Methodist Building, 100 Maryland Ave NE 
Call me if you have any trouble: 347-385-5186

More context:
The US Administration is preparing to attend the United Nations Climate Summit (COP 29) in November. As people of faith and conscience we call on the US to lead by example by taking bold and ambitious action to curb our country's emissions. This COP comes at a critical moment. As the wealthiest country in the world and the country that has emitted more carbon pollution than any other, the US has a moral responsibility to commit our fair share of funding to solve this global crisis.  We call on the US government to commit to accelerate ambition on NDCs, increase climate finance commitments, support loss and damage finance, and include climate and environmental justice in adaptation and mitigation.

Thanks so much for your attention. Looking forward to seeing you there, or in sangha soon. 

In peace and solidarity,


Shawn Shafner

Body-positive movement classes, meditation, group facilitation and more! www.ShawnShafner.com

New book, Know Your 💩, available now via hardcover and audiobook: https://www.amazon.com/Know-Your-Shit-Telling-Bathroom/dp/1646432231
Published by Cider Mill Press, distributed by Harper Collins and Audible.

Founder: The People's Own Organic Power Project

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Wednesday 9 October 2024

[Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] New Insights Dialogue Group

Good evening friends,

As mentioned a week back at one of the Downtown Dharma sessions, we are starting a new, peer-led Insight Dialogue (ID) practice group in DC.

Some details so far:

·       The small group (12 people) will meet every two weeks or so for about 1.5 hrs.   Each member will facilitate one session during the course of our time together, following this user-friendly guide

·       We are thinking of tentatively meeting on Wednesdays in the early evening (around 7 to 8:30 pm) in and around Northwest DC; we hope to have at least 2 members who can open up their homes for the group, so the exact locations are TBD. 

·       Depending on how soon we gather enough members, we can aim to start either the week of October 21 or October 28. 

·       The hope is that those interested can commit to attending at least 10 of the 13 sessions, and the plan would be to do 3 to 4 sessions this year and the remaining in early 2025, and accommodate regular holidays (Thanksgiving, end-of-year, etc.). 

The above are best guesses; specifics on venue, timing, and dates, will be determined by the group itself.

If you are interested in joining, please fill out the form here (or reach out directly if you have any questions I can help answer). There is no cost to participate.  No experience with Insight Dialogue is necessary, nor is any experience necessary in facilitation.  It is recommended, however, that participants do have some mindfulness practice to fully benefit from the group discussions.  

Alternatively, if you would like to join an ID group but have a preference for alternate neighborhoods, timelines, days of the week, etc., feel free to fill out the form and I would be happy to put all interested participants in touch in case they wish to start a separate group.

Kind regards,



PS.  If you would like to know more about Insight Dialogue, please have a look here: Insight Dialogue Community - Living Relational Dhamma



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Sunday 6 October 2024

Re: [Downtown Dharma Sangha Listserv] Sangha tonight: Is meditation ever unhelpful?

A bunch of us are outside the studio trying to get in for tonight's meditation. Can you please come down and let us in? Thanks,


On Sun, Oct 6, 2024 at 10:29 AM Kavya Sekar <kavsekar9@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi friends,

Tonight I'll lead our Downtown Dharma sangha in a peer-led discussion. The question I'll raise is "Is meditation ever unhelpful?" This question stems from my own practice amidst everything going on in my life and in the world, and therefore my exploration of when to choose not to meditate. We'll also discuss some framing and intention for how to approach meditation and why we do it. 

As usual, the session will begin with a lightly guided meditation, a short talk and then structured small and large group discussions. 
See you tonight,


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Ryan Basen

Journalist, Writer
Academic Tutor, Coach

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